Thursday 31 December 2015

2016: A new Horizon

It's that time of the year again. "The end of another year."

For those many people who had a really awful 2015, know that with the combined attitude of many others like you, like us, you will find 2016 to be filled with more camaraderie and fun, so long as people stick together and laugh more.

I've noticed a change of nature and instances in people's lives mid February this year. Everything just started getting... weird.
(I still blame Friday the 13th the day before Valentines)

So... as this year has already indulged so many "offensivities" here comes another, meant for those to lighten the hell up:
Hopefully people in the world will meet more face to face instead of looking into their mobile devices. Lift their heads up a little and notice the world around them. Those "zombies" needs to be welcomed back into the real world.
I might be a bit sentimental and old school, but when last have people enjoyed each other's company without the need for a mobile device close by? Leave the phone on silent; your life doesn't revolve around and in your device.
Invite someone over for a hot beverage, do something creative, get outside a little more... enjoy the company another human being can provide you.

I have not had a pleasant year either dealing with matters, sometimes/mostly out of my control, and I have been mostly incognito to avoid further stress...

Admittedly, I can take something with me from 2015! It changed me a little as well...

I've learned that while being "incognito" I've had more time to learn a few things, advance a little in life too with some skills. Might even have grown a little as a person during that time...

I've learned that "chatting" isn't a "fun" past-time but meaningful conversations (long ones and/or especially in person) one can keep with you always.

I might even have learned to let a few things go.

I've learned that real friends understand and doesn't mind the space, as there isn't a doubt you'll always be friends. They appreciate you and show it in their own way. Some solid friendships were made, some became slightly dwindled, but we always pick up from when we last left it, which makes you guys and gals awesome!

Seeing now how many other people felt the same way about 2015, I hope for all of us 2016 will be a better year.
Many things in 2015 was wrong, but I hope it made you strong.
May you take some lessons out of 2015, a year many people would like to be over. Experience always makes you grow!

Take 2016 by the horns, let us ride off as bull-riders into the sunset...
(just picture how epic that would be)

Everyday will be a day where you can challenge yourself into making 2016 a better place for you and others.

              To all my wonderful friends and family, I wish you a safe, fun and super 2016!
Couldn't find any bulls....

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Snacks - bountiful chips!


Here is a perfect picture describing chips in today's world:

I haven't had potato chips in a very VERY long time. After doing some chores (top secret government stuff) I went to the shops to buy groceries and snacks for movie&me time today.

Browsed the chips... damn.., There were specials everywhere! With every bag of chips, large, small or extra large, you do get something extra!
Like, what the heck!? Get half a packet of air included with every pack you buy!

I weighed up the difference between a large pack of Simba chips and an extra large pack. The extra large felt like less..., you just buy the bigger bag (literally) with no chips to fill it more than half.
Smell the air, eat the chips, gulp the crumbs and lick your fingers because you have to get every ounce out of it to make it worth the buck.

Even old reliable Messaris chilli chips or their chutney chips bags... stacked and layered and one could eat for days (provided you are a moderate eater). But nah-uh! These too went on a vegan and air diet and slimmed down a hell of a lot!

They used to have the bags you could see through and here is a pic of how full the bags used to be:

The Chili-chippi you could see through, see how lekker full it is? With the chutney pack on the right the back of the pack used to be clear and it was near full as well.

I miss the good ol' reliable entertainer packs... Now it is all a sealed mystery bag where you can't see through and you just know there is air waiting inside... secretly wishing it is a super lucky packet with more chips than air.

When I want to eat chips, I want to eat that I know I had enough and I MUST put the rest away or else I'll burst! Which reminds me of a Monty Python movie...
I don't want to eat a whole party bag and consider it a one-man "snack".

I'm scared someday when, and if, I have kids one day they would only be accustomed to 5 chips in a over sized bag of air and aroma molecules...

Saturday 26 December 2015

Boxing Day

Yo ho ho and I got-a no rum
Besides the chocolate I got yesterday ;)

(I once tried to get purposely drunk on a box of rum-chocolates, but it didn't work - a story for another time....)

Oh, don't mind the photo of the Christmas pudding. :)
I just really like it! Strange how fruit cakes are always seen as a gift nobody wants and passes it on (as seen on tv).
I love the damn stuff! :D

It is boxing day!

While the origins of this day as many different beginnings, like a master giving a "Christmas box" (goodies and presents) to their servants with a day off, or people making a random gift basket for tradesmen or a box where money can be donated to give to the poor, I like to think it is a day where the left over Christmas food are boxed and given to the less fortunate. This is actually the first origin story I have heard as well.
What does Boxing Day mean to you?

I'm not actually the religious sort but it is a very kind thing to be doing today. You don't have to go to church to practice being kind, but only offer a few minutes to someone less fortunate.

     Just a random fact:
     The richest 85 people in the world has as much money as the poorest 3.5 Billion in the world.
     And another fact (also as seen on social experiments) the poorest people are the most likely to            share compared to richer people.
       (Whoa... this blog entry isn't made as an internet guilt trip. haha)

I was with my family yesterday for Christmas, or rather they came to visit me in town. We didn't do a big festive family gathering with a lot of food. We only went out as a family again to eat a meal together, no left overs, but I did promise I would promote boxing day a little today.

I just happened to pass three people on the street on my way to the shops, a small family. Needed cat food and cheese as well. But don't worry... I wasn't going to mask the cat food with melted cheese and give it away! I might have a dark sense of humour, "some days", but that would be ridiculous...

On my way back I bought all three a meal and got them a hot drink. Surprisingly it was quite chilly this morning with the winds blowing around in town. :/ Seeing they used towels for pillows and had a thin blanket to keep warm, I figured a hot beverage would do them nicely too.

It makes a person happy to see someone else happy, even for the most basic things in life, which also makes one very sad because they appreciate the little things in life and we complain about things that really shouldn't matter... Makes me more sad that a person can't help everyone in life, but for that one person it makes all the difference, which makes me happy again... and sad.  
So many mixed feelings...
For that one person it is enough to carry on for another day, and it is the little one person can do for another that counts for them. :)

It reminds me something Mother Teresa once said:
It makes a larger difference than you might think.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Through a child's eyes

I really had a great laugh at the directness and innocence of children today but let's first mention how I got to see this, shall we? :)

It all started on the day before Christmas... not not like your usual snowy, white, red and eggnog filled adventures you see on the television, but rather a really nice outing meeting someone via someone who are just really priceless and awesome, to give some presents too.

A Little Christmas Spirit

It is true that many people, as they grow older lose the "Christmas spirit", but that is because of the hype and rush that is so unpleasant. Over time it just turns into the hype of buying for the sake of buying... It isn't really nice and I can understand the growing of the Grinch inside people, however... the sake of giving is what sparks the spirit again. Really taking your time and investing it into finding something worthwhile for someone. Even if it is making something from scratch, something unique, to show your appreciation or congratulating someone for their kindness and good base of spirit.

But let's get back to those kiddies!

Not the actual baby!
Nothing can beat the directness and unfiltered honesty of children.
While I was sitting with my friend and her two "adopted" children (not to worry, it's only her two nieces :P) she noticed a really cute Chinese baby.
As she pointed it out her nieces took note of it and as the baby came closer to our table he climbed onto a small wall and ninja'd down it sliding slowly down the slope of the wall.
This is also when the nieces started playing around the area and one climbed on the same wall and stood by the pillar. The baby waddled around the pillar to try and find the one niece who was hiding behind it and when he saw her he gave small roars, pretending he was a monster! It was funny though.

But the real honesty came out when the baby left the area, that is when the nieces spoke about how the baby looked different to them, with the eyes and they even tried to mimic it.
As you know, children can be loud at times.... haha
We sat there, embarrassed but laughing at their innocent and honest observations.

Then a Muslim lady walked into the area as well... the comments didn't just stop there. First it was "hey, there is a lady with a blue scarf around her head. Why?" said in Afrikaans. When it was said she shouldn't be making loud observations she assumed the lady didn't understand the Afrikaans language and we said she could. The kid then sat down quietly, knowing she might have upset someone from her verbal notice.

Kids can get away with comments because they are kids. They won't learn until they did wrong, but just like humans experience life, you can learn from your mistakes.
I, on the other hand, have a whole head full of comments, observations, childlike ideas and stating the obvious or asking questions I should have asked looong ago, but I must keep them all in my head to be able to keep my head on my shoulders. I won't be able to get away with what I "can" say, but sometimes a little brain fart manages to escape.... It can be funny at times.

If more people can approach things with a child's mind, asking questions, learning anew and be excited about the small things, I think, coupled with a mature sense of life, the Christmas spirit of giving can come back again.
Even if you don't celebrate Christmas religiously, it is still nice to indulge and spoil someone a little.
Giving is good for your soul

The kiddies had a wonderful time, as they giggled for a while before they passed out (on a mall bench that is!) and I also had a very wonderful time.
The person responsible for the outing might read this and I'd like to thank you for the amazing time!

A little Christmas Spirit

(note to self: at least nothing embarrassing happened like my Pineapple Juice story......)

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Almost there

Came home and as I sat to clear my thoughts (and bowels) I figured it is time for another blog entry.
It has been requested by a few people that I should write something again.

I couldn't turn down when a really awesome person asked me today, which also reminded me how kind people can be. The generosity of not taking, but rather letting the wealth be spread among others. I won't ever forget that. :)

I am sure a lot of people can agree that 2015 was a terrible year for them. I agree, it wasn't the greatest one.
For me, this year was me spectating from the shadows. I haven't particularly bloomed or shined this year, and those that saw small flickers that lit up their way, believe me... I can shine a lot more :)
Nothing spectacularly bad has happened to me though, but there were a lot of eye openers and lessons learned throughout 2015.

Lessons I learned from perceiving, listening and asking questions. Maybe I learned a few too late in the year, but I will definitely take it and grow as a person.

For those who see 2015 as a bad year, you don't need a new year number to start living again. You just need the inspirational people around you, some self motivation and learning that life isn't that bad. You're already blessed with love, even if you are blinded by the troubles around you.
Those that makes you feel good in life and good about yourself; keep them close.

There are a handful of people out there that I could really count on; a very few I could stake my life on.
To those few, Your friendship and love will not be misused and I will always cherish the times we are together.

I have not actually posted anything with substance on my blogs lately. I can blame life, and I have, for being very stale; I can blame 2015 for it as well, but ultimately, I blame Facebook.
Actually, I only have myself to blame for not keeping my chin up and noticing the wonderful things around me.

If I could ask one thing on this blog, it is to just sit outside and look at people from a distance. You'll see some vivid things of the world around you. Take that minute or two and just observe. Maybe even act upon something you notice.

To see the world a little differently, try being kind unexpectedly in some way you are not used to. You'll always learn something.

And try to take something out of each day :)

Saturday 19 September 2015

0 x 0 = 2

I woke up this morning after a good night of well deserved hibernation and made some Oxo sandwiches. Don't judge me...
So I decided it is a good time to blog about Oxo while it digests.

I bought the very last two jars of Oxo from the shop. Or at least I think it is the last two as I was once walking down the isle of sandwich spreads and noticed that the Oxo was sold out. Figured a lot of people liked it... I was wrong. :/

Turns out that the makers of Oxo decided to discontinue the product without any communication to the public. It leaves us, the public, and also many non-Oxo eating people, out there with only Marmite and Bovril as second options.

Marmite doesn't spread well and tends to break fresh bread. Whereas Bovril just tastes like a salty spread of vegetable soup. Maybe one of the Bovril people reads this and suggests not to use vegetable oil in their product. Makes it taste like SOOOOOP.

Anyway... When I noticed the absence of Oxo on that fateful day many many months ago I made it a little side quest to see if I can indeed find one in a shop should I walk down a sandwich spread isle again.

It has been almost five months and I found two jars in a tiny shop near Cape Town station.

Here they are...

Wanting to be a little more eccentric just to add a little excitement to the somewhat same-old-same-day life and diet (of oats, noodles and bread) I am experiencing, I have decided I will enjoy the last jar of Oxo... This morning. It was the perfect balance between Marmite and Bovril.

The other one I would keep... sealed... and maybe in 20 years sell it on Ebay and the LA Beast (or Skippy62able, as he is known on youtube) might try and eat it in one of his videos.

Ba Dum Tss... a drumroll to a really short brain fart of a blog on a Saturday morning.

Monday 16 March 2015

Epic failings continue

I'm a guy who just finished stitching a torn seam in a sweater... Someone date me please...

It is almost sweater weather again, my favourite time of the year, Autumn and Winter.
People can just dress more stylish :P
It also introduces hot chocolate, movies, and the odd walk in the rain to get something hot to drink.
Or... taking leave only to see people going to work in the early mornings while enjoying that hot beverage. Yeah... it is a little mean, but how else can you experience that?

But anyway... I'm not actually here to bump up the upcoming winter assault, but to continue on my last entry where I mentioned things just going strange.

It all started after Friday the 13th before Valentine's day in February. I thought that because there were another Friday the 13th in March, the strangeness would get some closure, but nah... Little-Bo-Strange had invited more of her kind!

Like this weekend, bad luck just for everyone.
Had a LAN party (nerd gathering of computers and gaming for you normal English people) planned this weekend. Would have been a church full of nerds, but it moved to one guy's house because lots couldn't make it. Nearing to the last moment of the LAN date, the last of the gamers cancelled, leaving only the host and myself to a historical way of LAN-ing. "Two-player, my bru!"

On top of that, my new sweater (of 2 days old) got a large ripped seam. The one I repaired today by needle and thread.
(Just a weird thought to go with this weirdness going all around freely, I think I would have made a better female)    -_-;

Then taking the train the following morning, one had to wait two hours for the next train (for you non-South Africans, yes, our trains are that slow on Sundays). There was a lady who came to the station as well saying she is the ambassador of a train tour and I am welcome to come aboard the Express train straight into town that will be there an hour and ten minutes earlier than the standard train I'm waiting for. That was super generous of her.

So all the tourists came, 85 of them. Each group had at least 2-3 kids with them.
Gawd... I felt like I was in Purgatory! You just hear the kids yelling out "The TRaaaaaaiiiiiiin" in wails of excitement and running like a couple of pink gremlins on the bridge of the station.
I never felt so threatened by a mob of Afrikaners in my life! Just boere and boervrouens everywhere with the occasional boermeisie who would grow into a thick and strong boervrou again.

Now there was a BIG delay in the express train. 20 minutes after its so called arrival a few guys asked the tour guide in turns where the train is. The pretentious interest in her job and history, the pretentious huahuahua laughs that follows and the pretentious "oh okay :)", not even the least excited in any of the answers they asked questions for, but only to know where the train is.

Geez... this was an exception for this train to come all the way to a station where the express train don't usually stop, but it does stop at the station right after. So it must go that way. "When?" wasn't what the poor tour guide knew.

It eventually became so late that the Afrikaans mass took their white tekkies and khakis up onto the stairs and left the station. "Buh-bye boere *waves*"

The travel guide and myself sat for another 10 minutes and took the normal train into town, where she said sorry to me for not climbing on express. No need, lady, you didn't owe me :)
But what was alarming was that she did say that in the 8 years of working on weekends the train did never not arrive. Guess I'm just the bad luck stepping out in person unto the station. Sorry!

Got home to freshen up and meet another friend in town, but that too was cancelled. Seriously! This whole weekend was an epic fail! haha :/

And the weirdness proceeds with today greeting a friend over messages when I traveled on my way to work where they almost had a bad accident on the station. Okay... I won't send a "Hello" in the morning again.. "I'm bad luck".
Then getting a random message from a friend we call "Taz". His voice note started somewhat normal and then he burped and excused himself in mid conversation. I really need to save that one... haha

I seriously have no more words for the strange stuff happening these days. Or maybe my life was just so bland that I didn't even noticed the random things around me?
I doubt it... my life is crazy enough not to be bland ;P

Monday 23 February 2015

The days changed after week 14/02/2015

Ey Yo!!

Before this month ends, I had an adventure and I need to write it down.

It might seem bland and vague, but bare with me. It is to much to say, but just to give a little prefix to the latest story, this is it...

'Tis was the night before Valentine's day, Friday the 13th. No horror stories (not the unusual anyways) but it started a whole phenomenon that people, including myself, experienced.

Let's start by Monday (and I'll try and keep this short), there was some hindrance at work. Wasn't even only me experiencing it, colleagues in another department experience some or other thing as well. Following day, same thing. Following day, guess what? Same thing. Yet it was all different on each day.
It involved people getting frustrated as if they had some allergy to imaginary magnetic fields and scurrying around like panicked rats. Stuff just not working, not even counting the load shedding. :P
Inside and outside of work. Things just popped up "Oh, Hi there, how is the normal vibe doing? Let me mix it up for ye. Whoopwhoopwhoopwhoop..."

I'm sure some other people reading this page might feel the same way, last week was just friggin' strange! When it came to Thursday nothing surprised me even more.
Maybe I'll have another Pineapple Express adventure, maybe I'll run faster than a train. Believe me, it is possible with our public transport system...
Maybe your enemy becomes a reeaally great person!! Who knows!? I do and it is awesome ;)

Then you have mcfluffy fluff the manager walking ever so quietly like four ninjas in one pants. I still have no idea how someone who is four times bigger than me can move without being heard. I must investigate...

By Thursday things were still happening. You'd think and expect something, a disgruntled customer perhaps with and issue from months ago, "Oh, Hi.. let me disrupt that vibe further. It is a pleasure man, just adding that little zest to spice things up. Nice!"
I really think the dude from Friday the 13th didn't get a valentine. I'm not even referring to the movie, I mean the vibe about Friday the 13th. He postponed his bad luck day for a special valentine, but got nothing. Instead of moping he slowly does strange things, like a depressed naked guy on the floor with a bottle of strong liquor in one hand and a phone in his other staring right through the device.

Won't say the things happening are bad luck at all. No way! It is all just so funny, you really just chalk it up to a strange week. I can say that Thursday really surprised me and here I thought nothing could surprise me anymore.

On my way home I had a thought about something. Half an hour later it too said hello. Was really cool though, or maybe it is just magic.
Why so vague, Ant?
Let's just say the week didn't stop and it rebooted with oddities (good, bad and unexpected) today which is currently the following Monday of when this all started. Again it started in the very morning with a bunch of delayed trains.
I'm living in a weekly edition of Groundhog day. I'm positive, as per the discussions around the water cooler, that it isn't only me.


Socializing is even strange! Today, during the 15 minute coffee break I went to fetch hot chocolate. Starting my day with chocolaty powers! There was a new guy "oh.... hello" he said filling his cup with two shots of espresso and cappuccino. I remarked that he'll be bouncing off the walls (or at least in my mind make real good friends introducing his butt with the closest toilet). As I was filling my cup here comes a another guy. Cleanest and closest shave with starry eyes and all the well keptness possible. It was until he opened his mouth where I could confirm that he was gay. Not only his accent but what he asked for.... panicked and almost at a yelling level.
I was like "totes in mah wtf" mode and said "well... you place your cup *here* and then keep your finger over *this* sensor", proceeding to demonstrate by getting my hot chocolate.
He said "NO... TEA! WHERE DO I FIND TEA??"
Whoa... calm down guy, you won't die if tea time is over and you didn't get rooibos.

I showed him where the tea is stashed but on my way I saw mr two-scoops-o'-espresso ducking into the toilet. *snickers*
After pointing out where the tea is stashed all I heard was "...thanks". All I could think of was "Where are the caps from just now??
Dag nammit. :/

New people are funny.

Keeping my eye open for the strange things. Need to have a notebook ready, this is going to be fun week.

In the mean time, I hope to have that time to write a few older stories I've kind of neglected to add in.

Thursday 22 January 2015

It Starts With You

Hi guys, gals and peeps!

While this entry isn't my usual comical tales I would actually like to address a matter that stood out to me today. If you're not the sharing kind or the folks who "don't give a ...." then you don't have to read further at all. In fact, I implore you not to. If you do, don't send a message to complain.



After my brain shut off after a long day of repetitive work, I took a longer walk home, which means going right past it to shops for stuff I didn't even needed to buy (a collection of Frankie's sodas.... *not marketing*).

I saw a pair of homeless people laying in a corner, completely hidden from everyday traffic, heck,,, even by foot if you don't look in that direction. My mission to buy some odd flavoured sodas (which I'm sure has some addictive additive in it) changed into buying them something as well. A bag of goodies I'm sure they'll appreciate.
**I'm sorry but I'm putting the end of the blog here not to end in a sad story**
When I went over to them with the parcel, the two of them were still sleeping, I almost thought they might not have been there anymore.
I'm not even writing this to add a little bonus to my ego at all, but the whole reason I'm sharing this experience is because it was horrific to witness the receiving emotions from giving them something...
I already felt bad for waking one of them as I didn't want to leave the parcel just there and it might disappear or be disregarded, but it was a girl in her late teens that woke up and the look on her face seeing me was so scary :(
I genuinely felt sad a human should react that way to another. Pure fear in her eyes as she even scrambled a little away. I had to kneel down and say that I'm not there to hurt or chase them but just to give them something as I felt they need it. Still clutching herself tightly in an attempt to lash out as soon as I would try and chase them she thanked me with caution but then realized that's all I was there for...
I must admit I did cry behind my shades when I walked away..... :(
JA OKAY!! I am a grown dude and I cried because of a thank you.
It just hurt me that people would be so scared seeing another person approaching... there isn't real peace one could expect anywhere on this planet....

Now to come to another point in this message is how the world can change a little bit...

Before buying the parcel, when arriving at the mall ,on my way to a shop where I previously had my Pineapple Express incident  (read the blog), there was a young dame wanting to give me a high five or something.... Firstly I had a WTF moment as I avoided it via ninja sidestep while saying "no thanks"... uhm... quite in an "unfriendly Texan" way too. (I'm so sorry though....)
They were standing at a booth probably trying to get me to join a gym or buy some helicopter rides or something....

On my way back out of the shop I did have a second look at their booth and it was help for children in need... Since I was already on a mission, I really wanted to help people.

I mean, even if my year started off crap, like really crap... at least somewhere something could be done for someone having a bad time.
I'm not going to expand on what is "crap" but a handful of people out there knows...

I spoke to a girl there and was quite surprised at their effort of helping children.
Now coming from a bad childhood as well, these kids could use some love and attention, definitely!

Please have a look at their site, which I have pasted below:

hope I'm not copyright infringing in any way displaying their logo.....

Check it out, or you could even meet them in person at the Gardens or Somerset road in Cape Town. They also travel a lot.

I know everyone doesn't have money, but at least making people aware of them is good. The main thing is Try.

Now I'm not good at sales nor sooth saying people to mull over their whole karmic existence if they don't help or not, and neither am I sharing this piece for my own pleasure.
It would just be great, in the simplest meaning for the entirety, if the disadvantage could be included on the playing field amongst others. To be able to give them the fair chance at achieving greatness.
And with that, even a great mind could come forth that we could have never known... ;)

It really starts with you.... you'd like the world to be,

Thursday 1 January 2015

Return of the Ant, 2015


There is so much to say and I honestly don't know where to begin... Wow. 2015 is here finally and this is going to be a year with great possibilities.
Though I may sound hyped up because it is a new year, I get this feeling there is going to be major shifts happening all around.

Oh, but let me begin this blog already!
First off, apologies for not showing a picture of the fireworks (since my phone died when I tried filming the fireworks) but instead I loaded a picture of the next flashy thing I saw. :P

*For safety of privacy I won't mention any names in this blog*

As it was a "plan-in-mention" since the beginning of last year with my friend, whom shall be known as Guppy, we again set out to just wander around in town and see what is for what.

Our first stop was to buy a delicious boerewors roll at a place we found last year as well. for only 10 bucks you can get a generous piece of boerewors with onions and good helping of a sauce of your choosing. Add an extra R7 and you could get a big 440ml of soda. Good meal for just 17 bucks. Dayum!

See that animal sniffing the boerie! ---->

But the journey to there wasn't without feeling like walking right through Purgatory!
We maneuvered past the crowded City Hall, shifted through barricades and went through the public gardens... and that is when reality hit us, "we are not at home anymore". The place felt grey... and sooo humid!! The scary part however is how many of these "gangsta" looking people walked through there with their slang and attitude. What was really poor is how they hit on girls from a distance with snide comments. If I had some more muscle and not afraid to lose a few braincells, I would have used the ultimate oxymoron for honor, the HeadButt.

We managed to make it through the gardens... Blessed by a splash of accident as one girl emptied her water bottle without looking and splashed it in front of my friend's feet. What was funny was that it happened in front of a church. Out of purgatory and then being blessed! aaahhh.... O:)

After the boerie as mentioned above, we started the trek towards the V&A Waterfront.

Arriving at the V&A... O_O. PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE!!!!

It was more jammed up than a.... I didn't have any words. I am pretty sure I heard someone say that they were expecting over ten thousand people at the V&A that night. Dayum! O_O

From where I took that photo just to enter the mall took about 16 minutes with slowly blocked-up-traffic-steps.

Felt like I could have joined a shambling dead march, and yes.... I even made the dead groan noises walking forward....

Dead Rising 3 anyone?
"Gimme a sledgehammer, cement saw and some duct tape please!!"

An unexpected and good coincidence is that I met the coolest director from my company there too! Helloooooo nice to see you! :D
It really was :)
(My comrade,  I sincerely hope you eventually found a good spot to spend the last minutes of 2014!)

We made it inside the mall eventually to make our way to the balcony to try and find a good view. Nooooo luck at all. Our quest for ice-cream started and it was an epic fail! The food court was jammed up like a broken toilet. The smell of people didn't help much either...

Photo in colour looks worse...

A scary sight crossed my path as I saw Miss Death. through the whole crowd this lady's eyes seemed to stare endlessly into everyone's soul and squishing it into a little sack of sadness...

Either she was passed the point of frustration that it killed her face or she was utterly possessing some kind of power. Yoh!

We saw her quite a few times that night among thousands of people. It was scary.....

The reason to enter hell at the food court was to get ice cream. Eventually we found a stall with much less traffic. Totally NOT worth it.... just check the price.

2 SCOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it was worth it because it was delicious ice cream.... and it was late.....

We made it back to the place where we met the cool director and stayed there until the countdown.
Ice cream makes a person thirsty and we needed juice. 40 minutes to go and we couldn't risk the super long queues for a drink.

However, there was a family all parked up on blankets and lawn chairs that had plenty of juice.
(•͡˘˛˘ •͡)

We were parched.

We were thirsty.

We needed juice.

We even had a plan to steal their juice box!

But we are not criminals (•͡.̮ •͡ )

There was a bunch of lively local bands playing on the pier as well finishing off with Mi Casa. :)
Was really good and memorable! :)
Most people I've seen in my life gathered at one point (which was all around the piers, balconies and even on walls!)
Noticeable marks were given from 6 minutes and when the count down started the whole place was in an uproar.

7...6...5...4...3...2...1.... *Glass shattered* 

The fireworks went off with a bang and Mi Casa started their song.... JSomething had a new energy when the booming happened in the background....
I was standing in awe.... to everything... it just isn't the same seeing stuff like this on television.
I wish I took a video but battery life failed :(
When I find a link to the scene I'll pop the link in here. There were so many people recording this so I'm sure someone will upload it :)

*So here is a small clip from "some" firework session since I could not found one of the V&A Waterfront. ***EXTREME SAD FACE***
The one seen at the Waterfront was just so much more… “OOMF”.
It was beautiful. Just that one word in its entire.
A real pity it is that I could not found a better link (but hey… that youtube account will get a few views. Pleasure buddy).
It was a longer session, louder and more people amazed… there was even a moment of silence in awe!

Though, the apostrophe in that sentence defeats the purpose of silence….

As I stood there watching.... so many thoughts went through my head as if life was flashing through my eyes... Good thing there were paramedics somewhere nearby. ;)

It made me realize that there are so many people I would have really liked to spend the new year's with... Unfortunately I cannot split myself to be able to manage that, and that makes me sad. Seeing those lights going up blowing the old year away, I felt like shedding a tear. This isn't me being poetic at all, I was somewhat glad 2014 was over.

2014 was not a good year for me, I'm sure some close people know this. By saying that, I regret the times I could never make it to visit some good friends when they extended the gesture. I truly feel sorry for that and I have even pushed some people away.

A New Hope: 2015
My own Starwars theme to life.

A good friend has given me some piece to read that really inspired me for the future in 2015. You know who you are ;)

And for some honorary mentions for the people that stood by me throughout the tough times and good times :)

Bambi... (aka the Original Big Sister, always) even though the visits are way out of time and we have not met in 2014, you've always been there for me and my family. Stay blessed as always. I shouldn't remind you about the Lunchbar with only two nuts :) You're always going to be a special person in my life.

Koggie's friend, even though we may have parted, we are still in touch and still laughing. Keep up the good work and may you have lots of peace.

Chilly, my Lindt comrade, even though you are a new friend, you've given me more laughs lately that I actually needed after a crappy year. Just keep on smiling as usual and thank you for the inspirations.

Mr Blackberry, dude.... you've extended visits so many times and still putting up with my crap when I couldn't make it. haha. Been my real good friend since high school and still in contact. Thank you for the friendship and there will be many more years!

The Hobbit (aka LokiDwarf), You've also been my friend since high school, and we might be living eons away, but the friendship is still true. We might not speak often but we always can pick up the conversation when it last stopped. A true friend in you. I'll challenge you one day to a spar..... (just have the paramedics ready for me...)

My German Landlord, I'm not sure if you'd follow this blog or not, but just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to be able to live here in Cape Town. Probably the most laid back and awesomely friendly landlord I've ever seen. "Frohes Neues Jahr,  hoffentlich war es ein gute rutsch" indeed. It was a grand success.

Ninthendo, you've been a great friend, and even though I may not always share you strong faith in all things, you have kept that faith for both of us and others. haha. You have no idea how amazing your skills in faith are, but keep at what you are best at. You have a certain grace that helps people along on their correct path. Thank you.

Bee, yoh... we shared a lot of crap together but we still have hope that drives us. Just keep being your awesome funny and creative self, you'll eventually get there ;)

My Big Sis at Work (aka animal guardian), you've helped out more than you know by being my friend. Some silly stories shared and good laughs. You still owe me a hot beverage though :P. Still, you're personality brings a light to people and that is really cool.

My Dad at Work (aka my old boss), you sir.... unfathomable kindness and caring person. Many won't see that side as you are very work orientated, but knowing you, I wouldn't have been where I am now at work and or in spirit if it wasn't for your tutelage in my first two years at the company. Hard decent and thorough work perfected. Thank you for that and for the advice you give me outside of work issues. Keeping on being a BOSS in all aspects.

Gups and Helios, you two have probably been my friends for longest and closest. There were times we weren't as close, but damn... can we kick up a storm when we meet. Fun times in the past, the support in the present and the friendship continues in the future. You guys rock!

And of course My Family. I'll never be without you. Simple and with meaning.

So with that said, I still honor those I may not have mentioned above, but if you have received a new year's message from me, I mean that in the sincerest way that I'd like to include you peeps in what ever future brings to us.

Thank you all and may you have a very blessed and super awesome 2015!
