Thursday 1 January 2015

Return of the Ant, 2015


There is so much to say and I honestly don't know where to begin... Wow. 2015 is here finally and this is going to be a year with great possibilities.
Though I may sound hyped up because it is a new year, I get this feeling there is going to be major shifts happening all around.

Oh, but let me begin this blog already!
First off, apologies for not showing a picture of the fireworks (since my phone died when I tried filming the fireworks) but instead I loaded a picture of the next flashy thing I saw. :P

*For safety of privacy I won't mention any names in this blog*

As it was a "plan-in-mention" since the beginning of last year with my friend, whom shall be known as Guppy, we again set out to just wander around in town and see what is for what.

Our first stop was to buy a delicious boerewors roll at a place we found last year as well. for only 10 bucks you can get a generous piece of boerewors with onions and good helping of a sauce of your choosing. Add an extra R7 and you could get a big 440ml of soda. Good meal for just 17 bucks. Dayum!

See that animal sniffing the boerie! ---->

But the journey to there wasn't without feeling like walking right through Purgatory!
We maneuvered past the crowded City Hall, shifted through barricades and went through the public gardens... and that is when reality hit us, "we are not at home anymore". The place felt grey... and sooo humid!! The scary part however is how many of these "gangsta" looking people walked through there with their slang and attitude. What was really poor is how they hit on girls from a distance with snide comments. If I had some more muscle and not afraid to lose a few braincells, I would have used the ultimate oxymoron for honor, the HeadButt.

We managed to make it through the gardens... Blessed by a splash of accident as one girl emptied her water bottle without looking and splashed it in front of my friend's feet. What was funny was that it happened in front of a church. Out of purgatory and then being blessed! aaahhh.... O:)

After the boerie as mentioned above, we started the trek towards the V&A Waterfront.

Arriving at the V&A... O_O. PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE!!!!

It was more jammed up than a.... I didn't have any words. I am pretty sure I heard someone say that they were expecting over ten thousand people at the V&A that night. Dayum! O_O

From where I took that photo just to enter the mall took about 16 minutes with slowly blocked-up-traffic-steps.

Felt like I could have joined a shambling dead march, and yes.... I even made the dead groan noises walking forward....

Dead Rising 3 anyone?
"Gimme a sledgehammer, cement saw and some duct tape please!!"

An unexpected and good coincidence is that I met the coolest director from my company there too! Helloooooo nice to see you! :D
It really was :)
(My comrade,  I sincerely hope you eventually found a good spot to spend the last minutes of 2014!)

We made it inside the mall eventually to make our way to the balcony to try and find a good view. Nooooo luck at all. Our quest for ice-cream started and it was an epic fail! The food court was jammed up like a broken toilet. The smell of people didn't help much either...

Photo in colour looks worse...

A scary sight crossed my path as I saw Miss Death. through the whole crowd this lady's eyes seemed to stare endlessly into everyone's soul and squishing it into a little sack of sadness...

Either she was passed the point of frustration that it killed her face or she was utterly possessing some kind of power. Yoh!

We saw her quite a few times that night among thousands of people. It was scary.....

The reason to enter hell at the food court was to get ice cream. Eventually we found a stall with much less traffic. Totally NOT worth it.... just check the price.

2 SCOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it was worth it because it was delicious ice cream.... and it was late.....

We made it back to the place where we met the cool director and stayed there until the countdown.
Ice cream makes a person thirsty and we needed juice. 40 minutes to go and we couldn't risk the super long queues for a drink.

However, there was a family all parked up on blankets and lawn chairs that had plenty of juice.
(•͡˘˛˘ •͡)

We were parched.

We were thirsty.

We needed juice.

We even had a plan to steal their juice box!

But we are not criminals (•͡.̮ •͡ )

There was a bunch of lively local bands playing on the pier as well finishing off with Mi Casa. :)
Was really good and memorable! :)
Most people I've seen in my life gathered at one point (which was all around the piers, balconies and even on walls!)
Noticeable marks were given from 6 minutes and when the count down started the whole place was in an uproar.

7...6...5...4...3...2...1.... *Glass shattered* 

The fireworks went off with a bang and Mi Casa started their song.... JSomething had a new energy when the booming happened in the background....
I was standing in awe.... to everything... it just isn't the same seeing stuff like this on television.
I wish I took a video but battery life failed :(
When I find a link to the scene I'll pop the link in here. There were so many people recording this so I'm sure someone will upload it :)

*So here is a small clip from "some" firework session since I could not found one of the V&A Waterfront. ***EXTREME SAD FACE***
The one seen at the Waterfront was just so much more… “OOMF”.
It was beautiful. Just that one word in its entire.
A real pity it is that I could not found a better link (but hey… that youtube account will get a few views. Pleasure buddy).
It was a longer session, louder and more people amazed… there was even a moment of silence in awe!

Though, the apostrophe in that sentence defeats the purpose of silence….

As I stood there watching.... so many thoughts went through my head as if life was flashing through my eyes... Good thing there were paramedics somewhere nearby. ;)

It made me realize that there are so many people I would have really liked to spend the new year's with... Unfortunately I cannot split myself to be able to manage that, and that makes me sad. Seeing those lights going up blowing the old year away, I felt like shedding a tear. This isn't me being poetic at all, I was somewhat glad 2014 was over.

2014 was not a good year for me, I'm sure some close people know this. By saying that, I regret the times I could never make it to visit some good friends when they extended the gesture. I truly feel sorry for that and I have even pushed some people away.

A New Hope: 2015
My own Starwars theme to life.

A good friend has given me some piece to read that really inspired me for the future in 2015. You know who you are ;)

And for some honorary mentions for the people that stood by me throughout the tough times and good times :)

Bambi... (aka the Original Big Sister, always) even though the visits are way out of time and we have not met in 2014, you've always been there for me and my family. Stay blessed as always. I shouldn't remind you about the Lunchbar with only two nuts :) You're always going to be a special person in my life.

Koggie's friend, even though we may have parted, we are still in touch and still laughing. Keep up the good work and may you have lots of peace.

Chilly, my Lindt comrade, even though you are a new friend, you've given me more laughs lately that I actually needed after a crappy year. Just keep on smiling as usual and thank you for the inspirations.

Mr Blackberry, dude.... you've extended visits so many times and still putting up with my crap when I couldn't make it. haha. Been my real good friend since high school and still in contact. Thank you for the friendship and there will be many more years!

The Hobbit (aka LokiDwarf), You've also been my friend since high school, and we might be living eons away, but the friendship is still true. We might not speak often but we always can pick up the conversation when it last stopped. A true friend in you. I'll challenge you one day to a spar..... (just have the paramedics ready for me...)

My German Landlord, I'm not sure if you'd follow this blog or not, but just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to be able to live here in Cape Town. Probably the most laid back and awesomely friendly landlord I've ever seen. "Frohes Neues Jahr,  hoffentlich war es ein gute rutsch" indeed. It was a grand success.

Ninthendo, you've been a great friend, and even though I may not always share you strong faith in all things, you have kept that faith for both of us and others. haha. You have no idea how amazing your skills in faith are, but keep at what you are best at. You have a certain grace that helps people along on their correct path. Thank you.

Bee, yoh... we shared a lot of crap together but we still have hope that drives us. Just keep being your awesome funny and creative self, you'll eventually get there ;)

My Big Sis at Work (aka animal guardian), you've helped out more than you know by being my friend. Some silly stories shared and good laughs. You still owe me a hot beverage though :P. Still, you're personality brings a light to people and that is really cool.

My Dad at Work (aka my old boss), you sir.... unfathomable kindness and caring person. Many won't see that side as you are very work orientated, but knowing you, I wouldn't have been where I am now at work and or in spirit if it wasn't for your tutelage in my first two years at the company. Hard decent and thorough work perfected. Thank you for that and for the advice you give me outside of work issues. Keeping on being a BOSS in all aspects.

Gups and Helios, you two have probably been my friends for longest and closest. There were times we weren't as close, but damn... can we kick up a storm when we meet. Fun times in the past, the support in the present and the friendship continues in the future. You guys rock!

And of course My Family. I'll never be without you. Simple and with meaning.

So with that said, I still honor those I may not have mentioned above, but if you have received a new year's message from me, I mean that in the sincerest way that I'd like to include you peeps in what ever future brings to us.

Thank you all and may you have a very blessed and super awesome 2015!


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