Thursday 14 August 2014

Ears to the music

One thing a person can admire of music is the ability of the voice.
Kinda like martial arts where every style has some kind of useful fundamental.

Like learning the ultimate bitch-slap via sumo wrestling

Every kind of music genre has their own quirks and skills. Ever seen a random person rap on a whim?
It is extremely difficult!! I've tried to read Linkin' Park lyrics with a fast rap.... nah.
My tongue falls off the treadmill in my mouth very quickly. Then all you hear is a mumbling that is trying to sound lyrical until you hit the chorus like a BAWS!

Same goes for unearthly Too-heavy-to-carry-Metal-that's-way-I'm-actually-screaming-in-pain type of music. Sure, you sound like a monster who got a nail stuck in your junk, but besides the metal riffs and ear numbing screaming, it all sounds the same in the end really with no message behind it all.
Albeit! You do get those with a good message if you put some ears on your filters.... Or should that have been said the other way around? My mind is blown. -_-;

Kinda like singing lyrics backwards and wrong.

There is a band I really like and that's Linkin Park. Really great combo of rap, rock and alternative (where ever alternative belongs to).
I've tried that rapping part and I must say, hats off to one who keeps the rhythm, makes the screaming sounds awfully easy to do... yeah right.
If you can scream and then sing gracefully right after you burst your lungs and diaphragm all over the place, then you know you have control over your vocals, well done Chester!
And I mean.... if someone can scream melodically then I'd be happy to have an argument with such a person. It would make having a tiff really fun!

Unless this happens:
Your Argument is invalid!

For me, decent rap music are the ultimate wordsmiths who actually makes music with their words and not "add lyrics to song". I have a deep respect for clean rap (not referring to CRap) who can intellectually convey a message that's deep and poetic.
And not unlike blow-way-brains rap music singing like:
Money money Sex, money money Boobs
Money money Flex, money money Shoes

They call me Lil' Left Pocket!
And just like that I could rap some too.

Its Ridiculous!!! (Just like that Harry Potter spell)

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