Saturday 19 September 2015

0 x 0 = 2

I woke up this morning after a good night of well deserved hibernation and made some Oxo sandwiches. Don't judge me...
So I decided it is a good time to blog about Oxo while it digests.

I bought the very last two jars of Oxo from the shop. Or at least I think it is the last two as I was once walking down the isle of sandwich spreads and noticed that the Oxo was sold out. Figured a lot of people liked it... I was wrong. :/

Turns out that the makers of Oxo decided to discontinue the product without any communication to the public. It leaves us, the public, and also many non-Oxo eating people, out there with only Marmite and Bovril as second options.

Marmite doesn't spread well and tends to break fresh bread. Whereas Bovril just tastes like a salty spread of vegetable soup. Maybe one of the Bovril people reads this and suggests not to use vegetable oil in their product. Makes it taste like SOOOOOP.

Anyway... When I noticed the absence of Oxo on that fateful day many many months ago I made it a little side quest to see if I can indeed find one in a shop should I walk down a sandwich spread isle again.

It has been almost five months and I found two jars in a tiny shop near Cape Town station.

Here they are...

Wanting to be a little more eccentric just to add a little excitement to the somewhat same-old-same-day life and diet (of oats, noodles and bread) I am experiencing, I have decided I will enjoy the last jar of Oxo... This morning. It was the perfect balance between Marmite and Bovril.

The other one I would keep... sealed... and maybe in 20 years sell it on Ebay and the LA Beast (or Skippy62able, as he is known on youtube) might try and eat it in one of his videos.

Ba Dum Tss... a drumroll to a really short brain fart of a blog on a Saturday morning.

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