Thursday 14 August 2014

Ears to the music

One thing a person can admire of music is the ability of the voice.
Kinda like martial arts where every style has some kind of useful fundamental.

Like learning the ultimate bitch-slap via sumo wrestling

Every kind of music genre has their own quirks and skills. Ever seen a random person rap on a whim?
It is extremely difficult!! I've tried to read Linkin' Park lyrics with a fast rap.... nah.
My tongue falls off the treadmill in my mouth very quickly. Then all you hear is a mumbling that is trying to sound lyrical until you hit the chorus like a BAWS!

Same goes for unearthly Too-heavy-to-carry-Metal-that's-way-I'm-actually-screaming-in-pain type of music. Sure, you sound like a monster who got a nail stuck in your junk, but besides the metal riffs and ear numbing screaming, it all sounds the same in the end really with no message behind it all.
Albeit! You do get those with a good message if you put some ears on your filters.... Or should that have been said the other way around? My mind is blown. -_-;

Kinda like singing lyrics backwards and wrong.

There is a band I really like and that's Linkin Park. Really great combo of rap, rock and alternative (where ever alternative belongs to).
I've tried that rapping part and I must say, hats off to one who keeps the rhythm, makes the screaming sounds awfully easy to do... yeah right.
If you can scream and then sing gracefully right after you burst your lungs and diaphragm all over the place, then you know you have control over your vocals, well done Chester!
And I mean.... if someone can scream melodically then I'd be happy to have an argument with such a person. It would make having a tiff really fun!

Unless this happens:
Your Argument is invalid!

For me, decent rap music are the ultimate wordsmiths who actually makes music with their words and not "add lyrics to song". I have a deep respect for clean rap (not referring to CRap) who can intellectually convey a message that's deep and poetic.
And not unlike blow-way-brains rap music singing like:
Money money Sex, money money Boobs
Money money Flex, money money Shoes

They call me Lil' Left Pocket!
And just like that I could rap some too.

Its Ridiculous!!! (Just like that Harry Potter spell)

Friday 8 August 2014

Pity da foo!

Yow Yow Yow

Get a shovel, can ya dig it?
What up my homeskillets!?
Just poppin' in to make a blog post, gnomesayin'?

Gonna to keep this fresh and blog about sometin... just layin it all out whatevers on mah mind.
Now I hope da hood don't get to read dis coz I'm probablay gonna get shot in mah face so I'm gonna keep it real, nah mean?

I've been trippin' ova mah toughts lately and again its about playa's and foo's again.

Those muddafuggas does get in mah grill and I be like thinkin "Fsheeezy, what you doin' foo!?".
Nah... these playas just think they are good when they say they are good. Y'all gotta dooo some good before ya claim dat good vibe, nah meen? Keep it real, homeslice, and Put a quarter in yo ass coz you played yourself!
Nobody don't gonna believe you're good when you juss say dat shizz.
To back dat up I'm just gonna get a safe umbrella... fo drizzle.

                            *just taking a break eating a moist burnt croissant. Thanks Fruit & Veg*

Okay... maybe it wasn't THAT burnt.

Aight! Here we go again.

I've been tryin to justify my toughts on what n how n who's say they be dem friends of lates. So in a sense I myself haven't been easing up to society either, gnomesayin?
Tha noggin keeps on knockin when I sits alone, but dats the time a homeslice needs to feel what be right rather than thinkin what be right, nah mean?
Particularly "this" particular homeslice, sittin 'n typin' now, don't just doesn't stand up fo himself at the precise moment some fay-hole decides to drop a bomb to inflate they ego. But they don't expect a quiet homeslice to stand up one day and list in paining rememberance all that was said that isn't even nice to tell a stranger when yo brizzling angry.

Most people are for themselves and only themselves mostly in selfish ways to make themselves feel better.
Lately I've been keeping to myself lately. Keep away from people rather than letting off mah steam on them, except when it goes too far, nah mean? I work through my doubts and even hesitant to share things with mah bestie, and why?
Coz I don't feel like climbing outta mah shell. I've learned to engulf n consume dat but it projects outwards to a more quiet persona who when it speaks it speaks of "other" things rather than facing what is bothering it.

Mah question is that why do people become fsheeezy a-holes because they are doubting themselves and pick on people with what they've done in life and how they are better or saying things harshly and directly and then saying "but I'm trying to help you". I mean, if it is so obvious why point it out and make a homeskillet feel crap, ya know? Speak gently, be a friend and not what you think you did was right, coz its not. My advice is that you think before you speak, obviously by thinking how y'all would have felt when something harsh was said to y'all, makes sense?

Friendships shows when it lasts, kindness applies always... but there is a difference in being honest and kind and been honest and rude coz ya don't know how else to say it.
Some people get ahead of themselves with their inflated bruised ego, but are they really loved or just tolerated by other bruised egos for the same reason?

                                I do pity da foo,
             < ---- to coin a popular phrase... those whose ego is somewhat inflated. It's sadness disguised in being happily extroverted, if you really know what I mean?

Now to all the good homeskillets out there:
When you're feeling down or lonely, nice peeps (I'm talkin to you's), y'all won't be sad in life later!
True people will love you for who you are and even though y'all might not say it or even say y'all did nothing special besides guide people, "they did all the good themselves" y'all say, but y'all better know that those homefries that got ahead or even just "got by" was becoz of you. What good is ego or money when yah don't have any real friends or love to go back home to?
Every kid should grow up wanting to be "Happy" as a profession. Grown-ups and friends should help them to pursue their dream.

                    The nice people who really tried to help and love helping. Love to love and be loved.

Much love. Peace!

Thursday 7 August 2014


Laundry day.... don't fret as much unless you are helping a comrade with almost a month's laundry.. no, that is not the problem at all.
No... not my comrade's fault either, clothes was just in a used start and not dirty per se, but it is the fact that there were demons hiding under it all... poignant spawns created by one called Loki*.

Upon lifting the pieces of attire you are greeted by multiple uppercuts from multiple levels and angles. A thick yellow mist expelled from the mess that only your nose can see and your eyes would cry with it for emotional support.
Loki, why?

Grabbing our priest collars and a very special book to cover our noses, we venture forth into this pit of despair and not so cunningly try and dodge the dangerous uppercuts thrown from beneath the sheets of clothing.

"Loki, why!?" we thought again rummaging and sorting out clothes with our noses clenched tightly almost breaking it off. If cats pee'd sulfur with a hint of week old fish this would be it. How did he get in there so deeply to mask this early Christmas surprise? Omergawd.

We cleaned the place like fully fledged laundry inquisitors. We tried talking to Loki but let's face it, you can't Torquemada ANYTHING!
Since we were in a purging mode we emptied the litter as well and emptied the toilet bin too. It was all chucked into one bag and what an apocalyptic bomb it was...

That bag... That bag could not have been created in any place better than Lucifer's armpit. Smell of stewed cat whizz, poop and lord knows what else was starting to make more of its kind in the bag. We created something awful in the purging process.... Lord forgive us.

I dropped my collar, my book and my robes for haste was a necessity. I rushed to the corner table to grab an essence bottle from the air purifier (which was not helping at the time) and sprinkled it carefully as holy water upon the contained:
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus"
"Et ejecistis de hoc plane, dæmonium habentem."
"Exi spiritus malus!"

And as soon as the nice smelling fluids was dispensed on the bag it was sealed (2 x double strength trash bags).
Look! Haunted trash bag!

It was expelled from the apartment and literally lay waste outside... The house was clear.
A powerful gloom was lifted and everyone felt they could breath once more.

* For clarity... Loki is a cat

Tuesday 17 June 2014

At least it kept me warm

This long weekend I found myself a bit with cabin fever up until the last minute where I actually found something interesting to work a project on, but then I was dragged to the Germany vs Portugal soccer match.

My friend and I went to a Portuguese bar, ran by Portuguese people, where they serve imported Super Bock Portuguese beer and the place was donned with Portuguese colours.

Now you might say there is a but coming in? Sure, there was... The Germans had bigger butts than anyone else there. Anyway, before I explain why I say that (not because I am sulking over that Portugal lost, I don't follow Football that much really...) let me first explain one or two other things.

Firstly... Portuguese men are short (and hairy... Look at the arms!... and your imagination might suggest that their mustache fights a war every morning to grow out against the razor blade) and the German folk... well they were just bigger and rounder. Hence the big butts comment.
(but actually because there was a very large older German Feldwebel sitting diagonally from me!)

I'm jumping the gun (boom!) but let me explain something else first... again.
There were NO seats available but the owner of the bar said that if some people do not arrive for their reserved seats, we could sit there and eat. So actually a few didn't show up.

We got two seats. Germans on the left, German supporters on the right. Left Right Left Right! Hoo-hah!
And we were sitting with Portuguese scarfs around our necks...

Germany scored the first goal and the other half of the room was quiet. Portuguese are so negative and pessimistic when it comes to their team they support. They say bad things until their team scores and then they cheer again as if nothing is wrong. However, they did not score again the rest of the night, so they drank a lot.
My friend basically (and not consciously) drank 4 beers. Basically one beer per German GOOAAL.

And what was up with this guy called Pepe. You DO NOT put your head against another guy in a game of soccer, especially if he is sitting on the ground clutching his jaw as if it broke.
Obviously he got a red card and was sent off the field (and probably off to the gas chamber)

I ate my steak, ate a chocolate brownie and drank a beer. Collar popped up to cover the scarf (only because I feared being stabbed by another German's steak knife) but at least it kept me warm that night.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Flatscreen or Book, how inquisitive are you?

"People never explain to you exactly what they think and feel and how their thoughts and feelings work, do they? 
They don't have time. Or the right words. 
But that's what books do. It's as though your daily life is a film in the cinema. It can be fun, looking at those pictures. But if you want to know what lies behind the flat screen you have to read a book. 
That explains it all."
- Sebastian Charles Faulks

It was apt timing that I found this quote as I have too on occasion said things that I knew sounded completely wrong, and then being judged solely on the words that was used, albeit my mind and heart meant something else completely.

For me, this is also meeting new friends. Those first few times were they actually meet you completely justifies the way they perceive you outright.

But it is those friends that really stuck by for some reason and then keep on sticking by because they know what I mean without me saying anything. Those friends are rare to find.

I am one of those people who really sticks around to see how a person really is and the stories they share with me about their lives are more than one thing.

Firstly, they chose to share stuff with me that I also keep on confidentiality. And for them to be able to share their past life means a lot to me. People just do not tell any stranger their darkest secret or pasts. So I feel honored and would do the best I can as a friend to keep their shared tale with me.

 Not judging people is just a part of who I am naturally, unless you are purposely being a dick and make it a purpose to piss me off for doing nothing to you. You make me a target and I would return your fun favour.

Secondly, People are people. We all function the same, but with different backgrounds, but that doesn't make us different as people not be in in each other's lives. What people say are words, but my mind is so aligned that I read many times between the lines. Sometimes people tells me stories that I can see tears wanting to say hello as well before they even manifest. It makes me want to cry too you know!
I would rather know a person via actions and how they are at home and with other people in a genuine way.

Thirdly, I appreciate my friends most dearly! I do not watch their film, but I am interested in their book.
The films are meant for when I drink coffee on a cold day sitting outside and watching people walk by doing silly things.

What a person is on the surface, or what they say, what they do, how they have fun, what they do not do...
It does not justify what person they are at all.

So many times I say things I do not like or would not like to attempt like I do not like to go clubbing, I do not enjoy drinking, I do not like loud noises, I do not like THAT specific food, I do no like blah blah blah.... but why do I really say this?
Because I do not want to do that.... alone.
I do not have any people that would go there to share the experience, and those that in fact DO, thinks that I would not like it, because for some reason I always look serious and not fun at all.
See the loop?
In fact... I do enjoying going out for drink with friends, but I would not drink that much to binge. I would go clubbing with friends, provided it is with people I trust (important) and perhaps someone special that could teach me how to dance, because let's face it.... Dance Party 4 on the PS3 is no fun playing alone, even though I get 5 STARS! (these are on fast intermediate levels and paced expert levels, mind you)
Going to the theatre, would at least have someone who would enjoy it so that it is open for discussion afterwards.

Some adventures I do on my own though... Pineapple Express being a prime example.
I felt a little embarrassed, most definitely, but it is something I'd gladly share with friends.
Those that have seen some photos of me (like the "surprised-looking-white-ninja-in-the-kitchen-photo), you'd know me then. ;P

I like to experience life, but what people get from me is that I am a house pet and to them that's all that I am.
A prime example of looking at the flat screen and not reading the book. But what they do not know...

Unbelievable to some, but totally me (just don't make me sing)

But this isn't about me at all, I would just like to convey a message that the quote below is a great message I think everyone should read at least once. :)

"People never explain to you exactly what they think and feel and how their thoughts and feelings work, do they? 
They don't have time. Or the right words. 
But that's what books do. It's as though your daily life is a film in the cinema. It can be fun, looking at those pictures. But if you want to know what lies behind the flat screen you have to read a book. 
That explains it all."
- Sebastian Charles Faulks

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Pineapple Express

There were some nicely cut up chunks of pineapple in the fridge packed neatly in a container I bought from Pick 'n Pay. Thinking I'd better eat it before it went bad, I decided to take it to work to eat for breakfast yesterday.

Though... yesterday the trains messed up and I was almost late for work. Just just made it in time with a quick jog. So I didn't eat breakfast at work. The pineapples, as suspected, went a bit in an uproar and screamed "EAT US before we go sour!".
But lo and behold, a little juice leaked out into my backpack whilst I was running to work.
So my backpack's aroma changed into this horrible hobo pineapple beer odor throughout the time of day...

I got home, unpacked my stuff and then needed to whisk off a few suburbs away to fetch medicine for my flatmate, taking the backpack with because I needed to do some shopping as well when I return.
Climbing into the cab, the guy asked "where are we off to?" and I wanted to reply with "To infinity and Beyond!!" but didn't... :(
Pinelands, I said instead.

I couldn't smell the bag then... but standing outside the doctor's house waiting for him, the backpack in the taxi probably grilled the odor some more...

Then on my way back to Cape Town City, I stopped at the Gardens centre to buy something to eat, like hot cross buns (ah... The city life!), but stopped in by Clicks to buy myprodols.  Standing in that queue for medicine I could smell myself with the strange hobo aroma. It was so embarrassing, but had to get pain tablets...
2 x 30 packets of myprodol, because you know... "I'm a drunk".

Stood really awkward in the queue with that backpack. Lol X_X so sad.
Then off to PnP again. Bought hotdogs over the counter and asked questions like "When was this made? Why is it ON the counter and not behind the glass? Is there something wrong with it?"
The lady looked at me as if I'm a... You guessed it, a drunk.
The smell didn't help either.

Then off to Woolworths for those hot cross buns. Stood in another long queue. The lady in front of me kept on glancing in my direction. As if to say "Get away from my two boys, you vagrant!!". Hiss and sneer...
Or maybe it is my imagination, but why does my nose itch? :/

Then after that, to the KFC where all the hard working drunks go to buy chicken. I fit right in, you see...?

Pineapple... you won...


Friday 11 April 2014

Live, love, believe

Words he once reminded, reminisces of a lost emotion.
One day the moon will shift aside and the sun shines comfortable enough for two to see each other.

She sees a man who only reveals himself to little and he sees a light he wants to follow at the end of his night.

It is hard to come close to this man.  Not because he is not attracted to her or because he doesn't want her, it is really because he is self centered.  Not meant in the slightest like egotistical or spoiled men, but being self absorbed because they are unaware of what being totally awakened really means.
It is hard for him to self surrender because it makes him feel undisciplined.  He is not going to chase after her, but he is not going to run from her either.  What she can do for this man is make him aware of what makes the world turn for others.

They see each other clearly right from the beginning considering they are both from the Earth.  They are both level headed and will have similar goals in life.  She is comforting and he will love her sweet voice.  He is gentle and has a very clear way of the things he says albeit others might not understand him. They will rarely irritate another.  What is going to hit him is the comfort she brings him.
He will love her slow and sensual movements, because there is very little room for error when you don't move very fast. He admires this trait because he has been moving fast his whole life and seeks a place of real comfort.

Neither one of them get angry very often, so fighting will be rare. He is a little worry wart, and his worries are usually unnecessary. She will take his critical manner with the sweetest appreciation, where most women would be offended and he appreciates this and feels safe.
He is a large man at heart who is quite strange in that he is quite satisfied in small spaces. He is content when he is working hard at something which makes them very helpful and also polite.
He has a lot of hope, but will never trample on anyone else to get there.

His uptight and critical manners are enough to give him a side ache, but that is where her comfort that he will love comes into play.  She will teach him that people who are loved have happy, fulfilled, and healthy minds and bodies.
She will then draw him a bath and make him soup that will warm him.  Her love and thoughtfulness will touch him even breaking his critical yet kind heart.
He will feel the love of this sensible and sensuous woman who makes everything seem so simple.
He loves that she is always there to listen to his worries, he will love her natural smell, and her cooking.
What she does not know is that he will do the same without asking.

She will feel so lucky to be with this man ultimately and intimately, because she knows that his love is not the temporary type.

He was never looking for a party girl as a wife. Women feel safe with him, but he only needs one dame in his heart and always believed that life would be more accomplished by doing many things with one person instead of one thing with many people.

He may not admit it, but when he receives a letter he wishes it is her, sometimes disappointed when it is a bill or another acquaintance, Bill, seeking his attention. He wanted to see her name instead...

He was not attracted idea of marriage unless he completely knows a person, but she will make him feel comfortable about it because she does not make it feel restricting.
He is a creature of habit, and will love coming home to her in comfort.  He will be there every morning to share their favorite breakfast and end the day doing something fun together.

The first time that he saw her room he will ask, "Why do you have so many pillows, and such a large bed that two people could lay spread eagled on it?" Of course, not meant in a bad way at all, he simply has an awkward sense of humour that approves his appreciation on her home. Another way of saying "me likes!" in another phrase.

Most disagreements between these two will end in apologies and forgiveness.  It is not easy to please this man, but she will find ways to do it easily.  She will be able to touch his heart in a very warm and sweet way.  If she uses her natural patience to show him that love is all he needs in life, he will be hers forever with time, not even needed to say this part.

Her words would mean comfort;
smell reminds him of happiness.
embrace would mean trust;
And her love, the world

Monday 10 March 2014

Reins for rain?

drop drop drop...... drop....

That's normally the sounds you hear when it rains in Cape Town.

During the rainy season it can rain at anytime. See there are no clouds in the sky during winter? Sure, fine! Let's go out and enjoy the cool breeze outside! :D
20 minutes later you find yourself without a rain jacket, cold and wet.

While I do not mind the rain at all (and sometimes it could be really fun walking in the rain) the winds are a tad annoying during the rain season. No matter where and how you cover yourself up, you will get wet indefinitely. Now.... comes the wind to blow her icy breath over all the soaking areas and in every crevasse.

Living in Cape Town you often find ways around this. Unless you drive a car and have heaters at home, then you do not improvise as much :P

Walking in the rain one notice how crazy people get! :D
People in cars flinch and drive as if they are getting soaked inside. When you sit as a passenger, just look at the driver once more and remember this. They flinch and panic. -_-;

Have you ever noticed that slow walking people usually try to run, but remain at the same speed?
It would only be their legs move a bit faster, more steps but for the same distance to speed. It defeats the purpose of "running".

I simply walked past a running "aunty" with ease... I shouldn't really laugh, but it was so hilarious that I walked slower to observe this comical run. She was on the grass lawn of the company she worked for and refused to jump the fence, so she had to "run" to get around this 15 meter fence.
I simply walked on the other side of the fence on the pavement to watch the show.

For every big step she would normally take while walking she exchanged it for 3 shorter steps with a running pose making "eep, aiii, and hai" noises as they rain gave her friendly hugs and kisses.
There was even a short gutter step that she anticipated to jump over.
Running as fast as her replacement steps could take her she stopped in front of the enormously tiny step and jumped with both feet.
Both feet did in fact land on the other side of the 5 cm gutter line. Satisfied she sighed and got into the running form again... "eep, aiii and hai" she carried on... running...

At this point I shook my head and laughed, still walking faster than she ran.
Albeit people say I walk really fast. In this instance I slowed myself down.

Galloping along she finally made it to the door in the fence and stepped out and under a tree with a good "eish" sound while wiping her brow. That was some really fast running, my dear, just don't try that downhill.
But ai... there wasn't much one could do besides walking slowly to notice this effort. At least she laughed while she galloped. Neigh...

So long as the rain come straight down and not be affected by crazy cape town winds, then this place would be alright :)

Adele might set fire to the rain but Spongebob can make a campfire under water.

Thursday 27 February 2014

The one other night...

Like each night... I slept.
One time I woke up, but not entirely.

I found myself at a psychic prison for small mediums at large.

Make little things count: teach midgets math.
That was the slogan for their education centre.

I found one midget who managed to climb the fence. As he descended he just stared at me and sneered. I thought that was a little condescending

So then this guy with an ejaculation problem came from nowhere....
He said he was a magician. He walked down the street and turned into a grocery store
I saw this and went "Wow. That's clever word play..."
Some other random blind dyslexic old man who heard this commotion, asked me if I have heard about the mexican train killer.
I said I didn't. What was the issue?
And he said "I dunno.... He had loco motives"
Then the blind dyslexic old man walked into a bra to order binger gear.

I wanted to leave that place and saw a bike... It didn't want to stand on its own because it was two tired...
As I turned around I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.... Then it hit me

I woke up by a guy who told me "you're in trouble" I asked why and he said it was a bladder problem. "Urine trouble" he yelled again, then paused and realized he was yelling in the wrong ward and moonwalked away.
Getting fed up by spending another crazy time in the hospital I left and went to the park.
I got this plan you see.... I wrote a song about tortillas.
Its actually more like a wrap.

To get back to the midgets. Have you even noticed how little dwarves and midgets have in common?
And mentioning dwarves... when ever one approaches you and says "I am not happy", you should ask him which one he is then.

Sigh..... I should do stand up laying down.
It's when I think the most.

"Hello people... Can you see how excited I am to be here?" and then flop down on the park bench.
I believe I would be a terrible stand-up, lying down.

When I lay down I also think of the good things living in Switzerland.
I often ask myself "what are the good points about that country?"
I don't know... but the flag is a big plus.

So after visiting the park I went back to my job at the little psychic prison and found they had a funeral for the one who climbed the fence. He wanted back in but his body was cut in two when he fell. His whole left side was cut off, so he is all right now.
On his gravestone he always wanted it to say "We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse." I guess his life could have been a bit longer...
The guy giving the eulogy was just talking too much and then I realized there are two kinds of people who don’t say much: those who are quiet and those who talk a lot. I decided to leave that morbid place and just go somewhere else but how do I say that since at a funeral it is the only place where "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" does not mean the same thing...

I just left but my mind raced. If that little guy got burnt to death, would he have gotten a discount at the crematorium?

Walking back home I also thought about how much I have progressed with my own issues.
I never used to finish sentences, but now I

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Trust in me...

They often say that the grass is greener on the other side. Well... I think it is because it is fertilized with a lot of bullshit.

Often people can be like that Snake. He never let Mogli fall, but he just kept him long enough so that he can eat the little morsel. Thankfully for Mogli he had a good friend to keep him astray from getting hurt.

People just simply don't know the meaning of honor, trust or promises. While I do not expect people to be perfect and virtuous at all times, it would be nice if people try and adhere to their own words. That little thing someone says might have a huge impact on someone else's life, especially if you tell them you like them a lot and promise them fun times out and get their hopes up and telling them to relax, you won't go anywhere. Telling a friend that you promise that you will get them sorted, but then only by your own terms and selfish ideals. Those times where you really inspire someone and keeping them along just so that you yourself have a cushion to fall unto when ever you need to feel good.
Guess what.... that friend you are misusing won't be there long enough when you keep on shattering their trust life line.

Broken trust is like melted chocolate. No matter how you freeze it, you cannot return it to its original shape.

People need to show how serious they are when they bestow their actions of promises.

Here is what the dictionary says:
Promise: a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.

Herd you were talking shit...

 Apparently people just don't know the meaning of it, as simple as the explanation is above.
You don't even have to say the word for instance "well, dear, I promise I will rob that bank for you"
But the indication that you say you will do something for someone means you should do it.
Doesn't help saying something to make someone feel good just so that you feel good too.
WTF is that then!?
Confused: lacking order and so difficult to understand

Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. a feeling of trust.

For each person that inspires trust and hope to someone, just be very very careful. Each time trust and hope breaks in someone a little piece of them dies as well.
Try and be that good person to really give hope to someone without using words, but via actions.

That is what I try to live by and while I'm not perfect, I also make mistakes (and a strong guilty conscious doesn't help me either), I do not consciously use people for my own intentions, besides trying my best to live a happy life while they can be happy too.
My life involves the people around me, so hurting them would be hurting me.

Maybe I try too much in life or maybe I should just take a big step back... so far... that I might even go back in time... and just ignore the pains of people around me and focus selfishly on myself and become a Scrooge.
Though... I believe that to be improbable. It is not written in my core code, however, people and their issues have made me a bit more tougher (with shields), which is good for my perseverance, but is also bad that it lowers my trust in people. Changes comes with good and bad, but the point where the two meet never changes.
...The center point of two opposites where you really find yourself.

Somewhere, someone should try and be that kind person that tries... helps another up.

Monday 17 February 2014

My age old Friend.... Bread

Dear Bread

You've been in my life for as early as my memory recalls.

You fit in well with most of my other friends like Peanut Butter, Oxo, Nutella and Cheese... just to mention few.
               Never argue to yell "That's MY Jam!" instead, you've always kept it safe for me.

You fed my family and friends. You are always shared amongst people and can even create peace by breaking bread.

There has been times where you have upsetted me, but only when I've left you alone to grow old.

You've been on television many a times but never make a noise. So humble :)

Centuries old, but you can still be found to be fresh with the gang. You're cool out of the fridge, hot when toasted and even great when your mood is at room temperature.
 If people abuse you, you cling on them for more energy but you leave it up to them how they use your motivation...

Some people even try to avoid you saying how fattening you can be for them, but that is just another way of saying you are too good.

You can be in the shape of a star, or sometimes you're even a square, but you are always a delight.

You are very gracious in acceptance and you even receive the odd couples with no complaint and lovingly accept them. Remember when you took in the odd family of chips, cheese and peanut butter?

You can roll any cold meat with ease. And when you are flat, you just sit in your pre-heated sauna to rise up again to take on the world.

Sometimes you cause people to become a little constipated, but they always come back to you.

Every store accepts you, every home has you, even homeless people ask for you, or at least just a taste of you, yet you do not consume people's lives to their destruction.

You, my friend, are probably the most addictive thing since sliced bread and never have it been said to ban you or go to jail for knowing you. All countries in all the world, every story and even in some fictional ones, you are needed.

Thank you, Bread, our friend. We love you!

Bread says:
Thank you Ant!

You've been too modest, Bread.... :)

Thursday 6 February 2014


Nom nom nom

You think you win when you can munch that unhealthy looking monster dish by biting it to pieces?
What most probably haven't thought about actively is that they fight back.... viciously.

Food has a way of coming back, often not in their original form (but on a rare occasion they do) and certainly reveals itself as a lumpy piece of ....
It is there to mock you and spit its aroma in the air.

Last night I ate only a Huge piece of Polony for supper. I shouldn't have. I know it. It was like a giant meat apple! nom nom..... nom.....
Left me quite paralyzed in forming new vigor to fight off fatigue.
Today at work...? Rather not say how I feel.

Last week I had a bad run in with fruit as well. One would think it can only be healthy and detoxing, Oh my Gourd I was wrong.
My stomach went "Nah-uh! That's my JAAAAM!!" and decided to dance with fruit in my stomach.... for days...
Now I have resorted to drinking pills to create a beter stomach acid level. I yelled back at my stomach "Nah-uh! That's my PLAAAAN!!"

By the way, to all the fruitarians out there.... What is a fruit? Isn't it a plant embrio? Seriously, you're only eating plant babies! :(
What if someday the trees disagrees and unroot themselves to root out "evil" baby snatching humans?
It would be like the great Ent battle at Isengard... Complete with vegetable eating hobbits on their shoulders.
That lovely looking lemon tree in your garden is knocking on your window and then when you open the curtain you are pelted in the face right through the glass and then you have a fight with an lemon scENTed.
Imagine that...

Some people cry about eating certain food, whimpering as they put it firmly in their Parkinson-like moving teeth... some people don't want to eat food... then they die ;(
Some people doesn't care what they eat and eat a lot, still remain in good shape, bless your soul! (and what is your secret!??)

Eat a balanced meal and take less sugar. Just treat yourself by learning what food has in them and nurture your body with correct foods and DO NOT make half your diet of pills. We do not want to create that show called (P)ill Talk. The P in Pill Talk stands for Personally...

So as usual, my blogs normally seem so senseless, but just wanted to convey that when you take care of your food then they will take care of you. Like most things in life. :)

Eat well, share food, make friends, live happy.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Dear mom...

Dear mom

I would like to begin this letter by saying thank you.
Not really a reason why, but just because there are so many times one would like to say thanks but often cannot say it.
It is because you are you. What you have done and how you have handled things.
You are still human and do make some mistakes, but you always manage to save it by being a good mother.

It is because of that human error and the ability to show us through example how to make things right.
Most of all it is the good heart you manage to show people around you, especially people that have wronged you which you have not discarded but still care for like they are normal people.

You always smile at gifts we may think wasn't enough, but your smile always say it was better than you could hope for because as real as the gift was so was your smile.

Your rocky life path may have been layered with stones, but you turned those stones into a well fortified castle which stands as a home of care.

You may not have been able to live your dream career, but you definitely apply that same dream at home and quite supernumerary than you might think.

Smart and more technology savvy than anyone might ask for. Though through these compliments you did not allow me to make food, probably because I might have burnt it. So good move there!
However, I still think I made the best Cremora-tart. :P
Albeit, one success cannot compare to the recipes you know by memory.

You still pack a mean punch throughout the years and I secretly smile every time you manage to leave ol' dads a mark on his arm. I'm sure he is proud because he doesn't bruise easily as he says.
You should do that more often!

The distance you've traveled to help family and friends. Literally and spiritually. I do not know of anyone else who puts their time aside like you have.

Not only are you very patient and good-hearted, but you are as tough as vibranium nails. Enough to let Wolverine go and cry at his mommy!

So for each message here, it ends with a thank you.

Thank you mom for being the best mother and friend a person could have!


The Zodiac.
"A little phrase that makes you the person you are." A shared personality between millions of other people. So are there really only 12 different types of people?
Surely not!

I've read on the zodiac thing for interest and went quite deeply into that. Moons, planets, parental/guardian influences etc etc etc... those all have an affect on you.

But here is a situation: Take two exact people. Born the same minute, born the same day, born in the same hospital right opposite each other if possible (for star alignment purposes)... in other words, same zodiac and planetary systems.
Take them home and let their parents raise them. Let's make it that the parents even share the same zodiac signs as the other born-zodiac-test-dummy.

Page some 20 years over and see how different they are. One is working as a young article clerk who has an up and coming position as the assistant to the financial manager and the other one is working for his dad at the hardcore motorbike shop his dad owns.

Already you see a difference in personal growth? You can chose how you judge their first appearance when they say hello to you. :P

So with that said, it does not merely categorize you within a margin of a fixed set of personalities you MUST have, but rather it is a guide line to SOME qualities you might possess.
So for your Sun sign, which is the basic one you see as you flip to your birthday in a book or use google to see your sign, you also have a moon sign, and also plenty of planetary influences.

Reading in the local magazine about your star/sun sign doesn't quite mean that will happen and that you should do what the book tells you
But rather think yourself what would be best for you to take actions on in your own life and listen closely to those you trust the most who knows how to look within yourself on the blind spots you cannot see and of course trust your gut feeling.

It is said that your sun sign governs your personality. Your moon sign governs your emotions.
Based on what I read.

     So let's say you are the zodiac to the left. Then you could have one of the other 12 signs as a moon sign as well (this does not exclude the fact that your moon sign could be your sun sign as well).
So you are a perfectionist so who seeks love and to be loved, but also wants/are to be uniquely different and want to be respected by it as per the moon sign on the right?


       Then there is also the Chinese Zodiac

and Primal animal zodiac.

That's already four different zodiac signs to a name.
(and doesn't your name also have meaning to your personality?)
Then add one up on that. Which of the five elements of the Chinese zodiac are you?

So that's five different aspects to look at as well.

Then apparently you are influenced by your parents zodiac signs as well.
Which kind of makes sense because they bring their own values to the household and you sort of just had to fall into their space of how they live. So it becomes habit and habit makes you also who you are.

Head hurts...

I haven't even detailed the planetary alignments in your natal chart as well.
But that is for an astrologer to draw up for you, but then again... can you really trust someone who could possibly be feeding you horsecrap because you are somewhat oblivious to the astrology facts?

I just go by the live and let live kind of way. There are so many things and aspects that makes a person the way they are and that's the best part. Seeing the person and not associate them with one of the twelve animals or signs from which ever zodiac you choose.

There are some people who primarily base their whole love just on the sun sign of a person, or they try and find a business partner, or even a friend. I mean, my best friends isn't even the ones that is suppose to match my sun sign.

Well... maybe after the long run through of each sign against yours might have you landing up with the perfect zodiac-fitting partner, but now the questions is.... do you like his/her look?
Another thing the signs miss about human preferences.
Or they find the perfect match on paper and zodiac matches, this person is totally your dream girl/guy in terms of intelligence, looks, personality, height, weight (with a totally acceptable weight change in ratio to aging), zodiac sun sign, moon sign, chinese zodiac, your favorite primal animal zodiac, your matching element and you can adjust the list to all the tiny things you can add in mass to this list...
Then it turns out you are totally off from his/her preferences and not a match for them (which would be sad) when you lay down all the facts of internet, astrology charts in black and white. Makes them feel like agreeing to a contract. -_-;

People should just get to know one another by experiences and likes, similarities and differences (attracting differences that is) and of course natural attraction.
For business purposes, find a mutual interest and work ethic partner by actually talking and meeting the partner. Not by assuming how they are tactfully business orientated via zodiac signs.

When you meet someone awesome and after you've established a good ground, wouldn't it be fun then to link the signs and have a laugh at how it fits (or even misfit)? :D
Rather than judging a book by its color.

It might sound like I am totally against the zodiac, kicking and fighting this off with a sharp long spear, but honestly, there was a time I enjoyed reading about horoscopes, still do sometimes as... quite frankly it is still interesting and fun to read, but will I stake my life, love and money on it? I would rather trust my head, heart and gut feeling on that.

Just want to say that I'd rather know a person and their life experiences and truer self than categorizing them into signs,
if I did, my head would have to explode.......

But in truth, I do have 2 core attributes to my sun sign, The meaning of being a Virgo "to serve": Nothing make us happier than feeling appreciate and shown so instead of just saying so. The secret desire of a Virgo is to love and be loved.
Then my Aquarius moon sign I also share an attribute: often think a whole lot different and seek something unique in people.

I am also an Earth Dragon, the most patient Dragon of them all but cross a Dragon and you get a really bad temper. But that doesn´t happen unless a person is really hurt or betrayed, which I think is just being human. ;)
Being a Polar Bear in the Primal animal zodiac... I´m not sure what to say, except that I like polar bears in nature and some people refer to me as a soft bear.... -_-;

A close friend of mine's sun sign is Gemini but they strongly refer to a Virgo attitude with the drive of an Aries.
See how that doesn't make sense if you would only look at the sun sign only? You would have been fooled.

                                                              We do not pity the fools....

But to draw real information about yourself and signs, you need to draw up a Birth Chart and then view how your life is set out. It gives so much more information rather than basing your whole life around your sun sign.

Polar hand puppet asks rhetorically:
What is your opinion on zodiacs?

Friday 3 January 2014

Happy Friday of 2014!!!

Hello All!!!

And in case I missed wishing you a happy new year, here's something for ya to read!

Which would have ended in a one man party at home with grape juice, ended up in a friend visiting (you know who you are you butter pastry bastard... haha) and we took off into the heart of Cape Town.

Unfortunately I did not have my good camera with me (how daft of me I must admit!) but the memory of the countdown in Long street will always be remembered.

It might not be the best photo...
If you can't see what is going on because of that giant street light stealing (or rather becoming) the spotlight, let me explain.
All the length of Long street was full of people!
Full full full!
There was even a dance off between some dude and a dude who thinks he is a dudette.
I saw a really tall black guy dressed in a cowboy uniform and his necklace had neon lights.
My friend missed him so we tried to follow but the guy was just as good as a ninja in disappearing....

Although... now that I think of it, mister neon cowboy might have been a pimp with pimp-disappearing-tactics.

The Parade Court was booming with a live band and this show could have been seen from many giant "teevees" all around Cape Town city. There was a parade as well sponsored by a very dark fizzy drink (I'm not sure if I mention the name I might be liable for marketing...).
By the way... did you know that this popular dark fizzy drink was originally green?

To back track on the journey of butter pastry guy and myself, we followed the pasta diet.
We went pasta the parade court. Pasta the parade it self. Walked all along Long street and walked pasta all the clubs and bars. Stopped at a fullhouse McDonalds.... and walked pasta that as well.
I was getting hungry as I haven't eaten since lunch time at work and it was already 11 PM.... I didn't want pasta.....
So we bought boeries!!! Awesome it was :D
(For non-SA readers... a boerie is a really awesome hotdog)
Or maybe it tasted divine only as I was very hungry...

Whoops, sidetracked from what was a really awesome Cape Town experience, coming from someone who rarely leaves the house to be amongst many people.
My morning of 2014 (just past 12 the night) began with a random high five from a random dude.
Where ever you are random-guy, thanks. Hope you have a super awesome 2014!

I eventually also gave a random high-five to a really awesome old man with a moustache that doesn't get a fright from anything. Hope you have a awesome new years as well with your wife!

As for the random lady who dished out random hugs... sorry that me and my friend dodge you like super agents. My excuse is that I want the first hug of 2014 from someone I know, and someone special. I do not know what was my friend's excuse. He alone should answer you on that. haha

All in all, it was an awesome experience and I believe something a person should experience at least once.
To hear well over a hundred people (possibly a thousand if your ears are good) doing a count down and yelling HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Afterwards.... be well on your feet to dodge fireworks, champagne from the bar balconies and random hugs, random awkwardly long handshakes of other people that almost clothesline you when you try and walk quickly between the gap... (that happened to my friend. Good thing he is short)
But always say yes to the random high-fives!!!! :D

And most importantly, always get home safe, whether you live near, walk, take the late night minibus taxi back home. Just be safe.

For those people traveling this weekend home, drive and travel safely! :)