Monday 10 March 2014

Reins for rain?

drop drop drop...... drop....

That's normally the sounds you hear when it rains in Cape Town.

During the rainy season it can rain at anytime. See there are no clouds in the sky during winter? Sure, fine! Let's go out and enjoy the cool breeze outside! :D
20 minutes later you find yourself without a rain jacket, cold and wet.

While I do not mind the rain at all (and sometimes it could be really fun walking in the rain) the winds are a tad annoying during the rain season. No matter where and how you cover yourself up, you will get wet indefinitely. Now.... comes the wind to blow her icy breath over all the soaking areas and in every crevasse.

Living in Cape Town you often find ways around this. Unless you drive a car and have heaters at home, then you do not improvise as much :P

Walking in the rain one notice how crazy people get! :D
People in cars flinch and drive as if they are getting soaked inside. When you sit as a passenger, just look at the driver once more and remember this. They flinch and panic. -_-;

Have you ever noticed that slow walking people usually try to run, but remain at the same speed?
It would only be their legs move a bit faster, more steps but for the same distance to speed. It defeats the purpose of "running".

I simply walked past a running "aunty" with ease... I shouldn't really laugh, but it was so hilarious that I walked slower to observe this comical run. She was on the grass lawn of the company she worked for and refused to jump the fence, so she had to "run" to get around this 15 meter fence.
I simply walked on the other side of the fence on the pavement to watch the show.

For every big step she would normally take while walking she exchanged it for 3 shorter steps with a running pose making "eep, aiii, and hai" noises as they rain gave her friendly hugs and kisses.
There was even a short gutter step that she anticipated to jump over.
Running as fast as her replacement steps could take her she stopped in front of the enormously tiny step and jumped with both feet.
Both feet did in fact land on the other side of the 5 cm gutter line. Satisfied she sighed and got into the running form again... "eep, aiii and hai" she carried on... running...

At this point I shook my head and laughed, still walking faster than she ran.
Albeit people say I walk really fast. In this instance I slowed myself down.

Galloping along she finally made it to the door in the fence and stepped out and under a tree with a good "eish" sound while wiping her brow. That was some really fast running, my dear, just don't try that downhill.
But ai... there wasn't much one could do besides walking slowly to notice this effort. At least she laughed while she galloped. Neigh...

So long as the rain come straight down and not be affected by crazy cape town winds, then this place would be alright :)

Adele might set fire to the rain but Spongebob can make a campfire under water.

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