Tuesday 7 January 2014


The Zodiac.
"A little phrase that makes you the person you are." A shared personality between millions of other people. So are there really only 12 different types of people?
Surely not!

I've read on the zodiac thing for interest and went quite deeply into that. Moons, planets, parental/guardian influences etc etc etc... those all have an affect on you.

But here is a situation: Take two exact people. Born the same minute, born the same day, born in the same hospital right opposite each other if possible (for star alignment purposes)... in other words, same zodiac and planetary systems.
Take them home and let their parents raise them. Let's make it that the parents even share the same zodiac signs as the other born-zodiac-test-dummy.

Page some 20 years over and see how different they are. One is working as a young article clerk who has an up and coming position as the assistant to the financial manager and the other one is working for his dad at the hardcore motorbike shop his dad owns.

Already you see a difference in personal growth? You can chose how you judge their first appearance when they say hello to you. :P

So with that said, it does not merely categorize you within a margin of a fixed set of personalities you MUST have, but rather it is a guide line to SOME qualities you might possess.
So for your Sun sign, which is the basic one you see as you flip to your birthday in a book or use google to see your sign, you also have a moon sign, and also plenty of planetary influences.

Reading in the local magazine about your star/sun sign doesn't quite mean that will happen and that you should do what the book tells you
But rather think yourself what would be best for you to take actions on in your own life and listen closely to those you trust the most who knows how to look within yourself on the blind spots you cannot see and of course trust your gut feeling.

It is said that your sun sign governs your personality. Your moon sign governs your emotions.
Based on what I read.

     So let's say you are the zodiac to the left. Then you could have one of the other 12 signs as a moon sign as well (this does not exclude the fact that your moon sign could be your sun sign as well).
So you are a perfectionist so who seeks love and to be loved, but also wants/are to be uniquely different and want to be respected by it as per the moon sign on the right?


       Then there is also the Chinese Zodiac

and Primal animal zodiac.

That's already four different zodiac signs to a name.
(and doesn't your name also have meaning to your personality?)
Then add one up on that. Which of the five elements of the Chinese zodiac are you?

So that's five different aspects to look at as well.

Then apparently you are influenced by your parents zodiac signs as well.
Which kind of makes sense because they bring their own values to the household and you sort of just had to fall into their space of how they live. So it becomes habit and habit makes you also who you are.

Head hurts...

I haven't even detailed the planetary alignments in your natal chart as well.
But that is for an astrologer to draw up for you, but then again... can you really trust someone who could possibly be feeding you horsecrap because you are somewhat oblivious to the astrology facts?

I just go by the live and let live kind of way. There are so many things and aspects that makes a person the way they are and that's the best part. Seeing the person and not associate them with one of the twelve animals or signs from which ever zodiac you choose.

There are some people who primarily base their whole love just on the sun sign of a person, or they try and find a business partner, or even a friend. I mean, my best friends isn't even the ones that is suppose to match my sun sign.

Well... maybe after the long run through of each sign against yours might have you landing up with the perfect zodiac-fitting partner, but now the questions is.... do you like his/her look?
Another thing the signs miss about human preferences.
Or they find the perfect match on paper and zodiac matches, this person is totally your dream girl/guy in terms of intelligence, looks, personality, height, weight (with a totally acceptable weight change in ratio to aging), zodiac sun sign, moon sign, chinese zodiac, your favorite primal animal zodiac, your matching element and you can adjust the list to all the tiny things you can add in mass to this list...
Then it turns out you are totally off from his/her preferences and not a match for them (which would be sad) when you lay down all the facts of internet, astrology charts in black and white. Makes them feel like agreeing to a contract. -_-;

People should just get to know one another by experiences and likes, similarities and differences (attracting differences that is) and of course natural attraction.
For business purposes, find a mutual interest and work ethic partner by actually talking and meeting the partner. Not by assuming how they are tactfully business orientated via zodiac signs.

When you meet someone awesome and after you've established a good ground, wouldn't it be fun then to link the signs and have a laugh at how it fits (or even misfit)? :D
Rather than judging a book by its color.

It might sound like I am totally against the zodiac, kicking and fighting this off with a sharp long spear, but honestly, there was a time I enjoyed reading about horoscopes, still do sometimes as... quite frankly it is still interesting and fun to read, but will I stake my life, love and money on it? I would rather trust my head, heart and gut feeling on that.

Just want to say that I'd rather know a person and their life experiences and truer self than categorizing them into signs,
if I did, my head would have to explode.......

But in truth, I do have 2 core attributes to my sun sign, The meaning of being a Virgo "to serve": Nothing make us happier than feeling appreciate and shown so instead of just saying so. The secret desire of a Virgo is to love and be loved.
Then my Aquarius moon sign I also share an attribute: often think a whole lot different and seek something unique in people.

I am also an Earth Dragon, the most patient Dragon of them all but cross a Dragon and you get a really bad temper. But that doesn´t happen unless a person is really hurt or betrayed, which I think is just being human. ;)
Being a Polar Bear in the Primal animal zodiac... I´m not sure what to say, except that I like polar bears in nature and some people refer to me as a soft bear.... -_-;

A close friend of mine's sun sign is Gemini but they strongly refer to a Virgo attitude with the drive of an Aries.
See how that doesn't make sense if you would only look at the sun sign only? You would have been fooled.

                                                              We do not pity the fools....

But to draw real information about yourself and signs, you need to draw up a Birth Chart and then view how your life is set out. It gives so much more information rather than basing your whole life around your sun sign.

Polar hand puppet asks rhetorically:
What is your opinion on zodiacs?

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