Friday 16 August 2013

The Good, the Bad, the Better

Story of my life depicted in a conversation by two:

"Hey dude. What makes me sad is how there is so much wrong going on everywhere"

"Yeah, bro. This world is a really fucked up place. There is nothing you can do to change that. Just live in it"

"NO! I don't want to live in a place where people just throw their arms in the air. There IS something I can do! Even if it is a little... One little thing I do now for someone can have a major effect in their life... How they perceive it, that if one person can help out of pure kindness, then another one can too... and another... then the world doesn't seem so bad. >:D"

People are like sheep  : |

Because people leave the good deed for another to do, and those people do the same. See the chain reaction?

When you have a fashionable scarf and it falls off without you noticing it. Wouldn't you appreciate if someone ran up to you handing your fallen scarf to you saying with a friendly helpful smile, you dropped it?
That would be nice, wouldn't it?

If you lose your wallet, you are depressed. Wouldn't you like someone to hand it to you with all your money still intact?
That would be nice, wouldn't it?

You smash your car accidentally through a person's living room glass door in reverse taking their garden gate down in the process... You kinda wish you have a little time machine instead.
That would be nice, wouldn't it?

Yes, I may see a lot of wrong in this world and how unfair it is, but within my power I have the human skill (which everyone possesses) of making it less unfair and better for a few people in my life - even a few strangers.

That moment to witness a real sincere blissful smile is a great booster! :)

If you are an asshole (and find this blog amusing, please continue liking the blog - my pleasure) you might want to do a few good deeds and see how people change around you.
Sure, they might say and whisper loudly behind your back that it will storm tomorrow because you randomly did something good, but that is a good rumour and a rumour that should remain in circulation.
Its GOOD for you!

Imagine you are a lowlife (if you are one without imagining it, I don't care) and people hate you
(I know (•͡_ •͡,  it's a strong word) then you do a good thing you'll be amazed how many people mention you doing something good.
Just don't try and tie a little kids shoe laces in a bow. They might call the police on you.
You would definitely get people despising you even more, saying you are up to something. But keep at it, keep spreading good rumours via your actions only. Nothing brings greater pleasure letting a false goody two shoes seem like the villian of the piece when you are doing good and they keep complaining. They become the baddy. Think smart, be good to be bad.
(Or maybe that is just my reverse psychology to coerce assholes doing some good) (•͡.̮ •͡ )

And finally, if you aren't an active outside person who ties shoe laces, pick up scarfs and wallets (don't forget returning them) be good to people by simply making a little time for them. Talk a little to each other. You'd be surprised how wonderful people are if you communicate.

Oh. If you see money lying on the ground not within a wallet, please pick it up. :)
No use fretting about it as you cannot return it. ;)

Stay in school. Don't smoke.
Winners don't use drugs..
Winners shouldn't brag either..
Losers should just try harder..
The more you sweat, the less you bleed..
Sweat is just the fat crying..
..And whatever other motivational quotes you might find useful, place it here:

...and an almighty peace to you all! :)
Peace off ;D

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