Tuesday 27 August 2013

My birthday under complimentary complaints?

Thing I don't like about my birthday is that everyone wants to shake your hand. People you don't know, and they don't really know me all too well...
But they want cake. X_X
Give the hand shake just because the world believes so.
You don't need to.... :P

Or maybe they want a little Dragon luck....
-_ -; hmph

I don't like saying when I have that day of rememberance sunlight first shone on me, but I do appreciate those people who do remember that day.
Apparently my two best friends didn't know.... lol
(you vodka drinking bastards... you know I love you guys. haha)

However, there are people who remembered. :D
They are honestly appreciated and earning plus points in my little calculating head. Always wish that they get something good because they are caring people, good projective thoughts are better than cake, yeah?
"not really" some would say.... X_X

So this day I think more of other people than myself.
Honestly I really don't like that day, don't like big parties, I don't want everything to be about me....
Also that day is just bad memories for me as well, but once in a far along while it is okay-good.
Though there is a handful of people that is trying to give me good memories of that day.
Saving their names using aliases, and thanking them in no particular order, I'd like to give a hearted thanks to you guys:

<3 :)
That emote might be a heart and smile or a guy with a party hat on. I like to believe its both :D

The workforce consisting of a few superheroes: Pongiman, O.G, Soon-to-Drive Star, The-One-who-bestowed-Pongi-his-name, Guy-in-Purchasing...
    Thanks for the wishes, it did came as a surprise and it is very much appreciated!
    It might sound lame, but I never felt welcomed in a social group at work... lol. But Happy to be ^_^
Love the card!

To my awesome little sister. First one to congratulate me on that day. Funny as hell and way more intelligent in a mature way than any other kid I know. You sis, are a superstar!

My parents.... thanks.

Especially my mom: made homemade pizza and got a strawberry chocolate swiss roll thing.... awesome sauce.
My dad: I guess I have to include you as well... phones for lotto numbers and says "by the way, happy birthday". X_X

My bro. Put up a show, slow mo, over d' phone, "wil altyd kou", "lag in my mou..."
I know he doesn't appreciate some rap, but here:

got a cat by the name of cat,
don't ya just feel like looking at that
raised eyebrow,
cats gotta meow
I take of my hat, before he attacks
don't let it phase ya,
here, three grand flavours,
chicken, kibble steak, fishy savour

I can definitely text rap further but I'll spare your eyes....
(maybe in another blog)

Even a thanks to people whom I rarely see.
An old school friend. Thanks "tjomma"!
And a long-time-no-read dame, thanks. Take care of the forest-island...

And to those on my bbm list. Thanks for the virtual cake, I suppose... :P
It was delicious for my eyes.

Although it is after that "specific" day, thank you all nonetheless :D


Monday 26 August 2013

Train Jockey


I thought I could get a 40 winks for twenty minutes until the train stops, but I couldn't pass up the chance to document the monologue of this one guy.

Can't believe its a proper jock who thinks he is smart. "How cute".

This blog starts where I was motivated by his conversation about his laptop.

"My laptop picks up virusses pretty quickly, hey! I think my harddrive is old that's why it picks up virusses. I told the people but they are thick-dumb..."

Yeah buddy, I think a course on the introduction to windows would blow your little mind.

After his laptop story he talked about gym and muscles. And the boer accent.... Too much, broer.

I can't even type to keep up!
Keep on hearing the word "bodybuilding" "muscles" and he taps offbeat on his knees when they talk, him doing most of the talking. Repeatedly saying the same thing, saying the same thing repeatedly.

Now he is holding a PSP... Making a joke with a guy, "look at my steering wheel. Huhuhuhuhu....."
Psp gets packed away now....
That didn't last long.

Okay... His more mature buddy is talking about someone who was sick. His reaction: blank face.
*concentrate on musclesssssss!!!!*

Oh my lord, he talks about gym again. "Jissou, ou! Those lifts, ek sĂȘ."
Nou he talks to a lady (I think it might be his aunt or someone. They definitely know each other) about his friend who is "very sexual" and that his friend is "sexually frustrated".
Friend says "just stay away from the blue pill".

The conversation is so random and has no point. I think he "needs" to point out certain stuff. Insecurities made about himself via other people...

And here they talk about gym again...
The lady adds in "oh... So you went gymning?"
He replies "yeah... They say break a leg and I almost did. Huhuhuhu. My legs were so sore"
She says "shame man..."
He smiles in approval, feel he got some motherly attention now.
His friend mentions a bodybuilder and their life a bit, they talk about that now.
Conversation changed to glass blowers and hobby jobs...

I know its not long before he mentions only one topic he knows and can talk about.

Let's wait.....

His friend and lady talks about the country, flutes, etc... "Other stuff".
Talk about the train ride, how the dam along the tracks filled up.
All the while Mr. Gym is quiet.

She asked if he is an only child, give him a little attention. He said yes.
His friend supported it by saying "that explains a lot".
I agree.

Now they talk about scary movie. An actor with a fat face...
I fear he is going to say he needs to gym...
And oh my sweet chocolately takkies! He did! X_x!

Aha! He is actually elaborating on the movie subject. Talking about some guys' musical movie "huhuhu. That was so funny, hey. Not some music I could work out on, but it was a funny movie".

If he was my roommate I'd kill him with a book.

Seriously, I need to stop this blog. This is just too much Jock for me.

Going to take a 10 minute nap and listen to some deafening "workout music" until the train stops...

Friday 16 August 2013

The Good, the Bad, the Better

Story of my life depicted in a conversation by two:

"Hey dude. What makes me sad is how there is so much wrong going on everywhere"

"Yeah, bro. This world is a really fucked up place. There is nothing you can do to change that. Just live in it"

"NO! I don't want to live in a place where people just throw their arms in the air. There IS something I can do! Even if it is a little... One little thing I do now for someone can have a major effect in their life... How they perceive it, that if one person can help out of pure kindness, then another one can too... and another... then the world doesn't seem so bad. >:D"

People are like sheep  : |

Because people leave the good deed for another to do, and those people do the same. See the chain reaction?

When you have a fashionable scarf and it falls off without you noticing it. Wouldn't you appreciate if someone ran up to you handing your fallen scarf to you saying with a friendly helpful smile, you dropped it?
That would be nice, wouldn't it?

If you lose your wallet, you are depressed. Wouldn't you like someone to hand it to you with all your money still intact?
That would be nice, wouldn't it?

You smash your car accidentally through a person's living room glass door in reverse taking their garden gate down in the process... You kinda wish you have a little time machine instead.
That would be nice, wouldn't it?

Yes, I may see a lot of wrong in this world and how unfair it is, but within my power I have the human skill (which everyone possesses) of making it less unfair and better for a few people in my life - even a few strangers.

That moment to witness a real sincere blissful smile is a great booster! :)

If you are an asshole (and find this blog amusing, please continue liking the blog - my pleasure) you might want to do a few good deeds and see how people change around you.
Sure, they might say and whisper loudly behind your back that it will storm tomorrow because you randomly did something good, but that is a good rumour and a rumour that should remain in circulation.
Its GOOD for you!

Imagine you are a lowlife (if you are one without imagining it, I don't care) and people hate you
(I know (•͡_ •͡,  it's a strong word) then you do a good thing you'll be amazed how many people mention you doing something good.
Just don't try and tie a little kids shoe laces in a bow. They might call the police on you.
You would definitely get people despising you even more, saying you are up to something. But keep at it, keep spreading good rumours via your actions only. Nothing brings greater pleasure letting a false goody two shoes seem like the villian of the piece when you are doing good and they keep complaining. They become the baddy. Think smart, be good to be bad.
(Or maybe that is just my reverse psychology to coerce assholes doing some good) (•͡.̮ •͡ )

And finally, if you aren't an active outside person who ties shoe laces, pick up scarfs and wallets (don't forget returning them) be good to people by simply making a little time for them. Talk a little to each other. You'd be surprised how wonderful people are if you communicate.

Oh. If you see money lying on the ground not within a wallet, please pick it up. :)
No use fretting about it as you cannot return it. ;)

Stay in school. Don't smoke.
Winners don't use drugs..
Winners shouldn't brag either..
Losers should just try harder..
The more you sweat, the less you bleed..
Sweat is just the fat crying..
..And whatever other motivational quotes you might find useful, place it here:

...and an almighty peace to you all! :)
Peace off ;D

Sunday 4 August 2013

Looking forward to a cluttered desk

If a cluttered desk is because of a cluttered mind, then what implies an empty desk?

But at the moment, my desk is empty. Not because of the emptiness of my mind (and believe you me, I can be very opinionated... albeit quiet) but rather because I don't have anything at the moment to place on my desk.

Where is my cookies, or the arts and crafts, or my chosen pen to write? Probably in the shops; not bought by me... Hence the empty desk...

So what is happening now? Blogging just to fill this space because I have to? Maybe...

I might receive some good news soon though, which I would be happy to share. In the meantime however, there is a wait...

Should that certain event comes to past positively, then its another long wait until I would be able to fill my "desk" again with "stuff"... Goodies to create other goodies and the clarity to feel great and create creative creations on the blog again :)

I realized I can look good in pink....
(•͡_ •͡;

Otherwise, should good news not arrive, it still causes a happy tear to form in one of my eyes (not telling you which one) for I found out a lot of people believes in me. (•͡.̮ ,•͡ )

That makes me happy inside. Something my well linked cerebellum to heart does not know well.
The way I see people smile of a uncalled for good deed... I know why they smile :)

...and that's why I continue to make others smile because I knew it would be a good feeling.

^( '-' )^

I Zombie

I haven't really blogged for a long while now. I could tell you I'm feeling tired, or just blank... But I didn't fully believe any of those two excuses. Maybe just plain uninspired for the moment...

One morning when I boarded the train I took a seat further down the line where I'd usually sit.

Awaiting by my seat was an empty cup of coffee. It just sat there and greeted me without enthusiasm.
I greeted it back by picking it up and placing it under my seat.
It got me to the idea that I believe my ability to blog is directly affected to how broke I really am...

...and I sit and wonder what to blog about each day. Even then as I was typing on the train, nothing really came to mind. I have no plans, feeling tired after the month-end run at work and I hear people making plans for October and November already.

Just a thought: if anyone in the Cape Town region wants to buy new a BMW for R4000 deposit and R150 a month, kindly let me know... (•͡_ •͡
(Because I would be interested too...)

As you can see... My mind isn't really with me. Perhaps still asleep in the mornings when I type these odd blogs or maybe I left it at work in the Calibration Room.

Uhm.... So this blog is just to remind myself and yourself and everybodyself that I'm still alive, somewhat.

High five...