Thursday 2 May 2013

My problem with fairy tales

Sad to mention that my very first blog is about fairy tales....

So here's the problem with that. They always have a hidden agenda that we do not see as kids. Once we are older and wiser (and a bit more open-minded) one can clearly see some impish subliminal messages.

Does that in fact make us a tad different? What if those messages changed us to think as we grew up.

Two of my more favourite hidden messages, is in the stories of The Wizard of Oz and The Beauty and the Beast.

Wizard of Oz:

My issue is with Dorothy. She is the villian of the piece!
Do you remember how she got in the land of Oz? She mysteriously teleported in her "magical" farmhouse. Upon entering the world of Oz she killed the witch with the red slippers. Of course it was an accident. That side of her story I buy. But did she help the witch. No! She instead was a very vain person and was only interested in the now deceased witch's fancy red slippers! She took what wasn't hers and left the corpse to rot. No proper burial for her, no, she is just an ugly witch. bleh!

So she wanted to find her way back home and met some good friends along the way. And the deceased witch's sister "the wicked witch of the west" pursued her. Why do you ask? Because she wanted the slippers that Dorothy is now wearing. Is she trying to steal it? Of course not! She only wants her sister's red slippers back. It's a family thing you see. And what is wrong from avenging a family member? Sure the Wicked Witch of the West was an cackling old hag. She just loved to laugh, what's wrong with that? Do you know why she is the "wicked" witch? Because she throwed some wicked-ass parties back at her crib! It had magic shows to boot too. She was a wonder at children's parties as well.
So perhaps she went a bit overboard with sending flying monkeys after Dorothy but you must understand that she lost her sister recently and a thief took her sister's slippers. And she a bit senile too. Give her a break!

And to further prove that Dorothy was a shrewd vain person she let others believe that she "spilled" some "water" on the witch and she "melted". Yeah, right! Me thinks it was an acid concoction of Anthrax and Cianide.

So as kids we are taught via sublimal messages that it's okay to disrespect the dead, taking what does not belong to you (it's like taking a cellphone/wallet from a car crash), and spreading rumors about old ladies who like having parties. :(

The Beauty and the Beast:

Do you know what Stockholm syndrome is?
It's not anything like a normal sickness like flu, having a few runny noses or a headache, no, it's a mental game where hostages fall in love with their captors.

It has happened before where a lady fell in love with her bank robber. She trusted him and later helped out by keeping her comrades hostage.

So my charge is that the Beast was indeed the bad guy.
Since her capture she felt pressured to do stuff against her will. Like cleaning the house and probably cleaning the beast's lavatory full of beast poot!
She once escaped to get back home but she was pursued by the beast. She was captured once again and her father too. I'm sure the beast saw some tasty pork in 'ol pops. He sure was a fatty inventor.

In her captivity she pleaded for her father's release and she would stay there forever. So how do you end up loving someone you keeps you prisoner?

Stockholm syndrome is the answer I say!

Eventually the town hero Gaston, although a macho fat head, came to her rescue. He was indeed a hero risking his life to fight the beast on the roof tops. Sure, now Gaston is the bad guy! He is trying to save another human from a big scary hairy fang-and-claw werewolf.

I bet if you dressed a Troll in fashionable clothing he too would be a good guy. No matter if he eats children and lives like a bum under a bridge. Some would say, "hey, I never wanted kids. The Troll did me a favour. Huzzah to the Troll, he is my saviour. And he dressed nicely :)" I guess one don't hear that often. So why would the beast be different. What does he really eat anyway? He has no farm, he doesn't go to the shops. Surely living there for years his pantry must've ran out of food.

So eventually the beast knocked out the "hero" Gaston and "saved" Belle from her true hero. It definitely sounds like a stern case of Stockholm syndrome.
Please call the psychologists to help Belle!


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