Thursday 27 February 2014

The one other night...

Like each night... I slept.
One time I woke up, but not entirely.

I found myself at a psychic prison for small mediums at large.

Make little things count: teach midgets math.
That was the slogan for their education centre.

I found one midget who managed to climb the fence. As he descended he just stared at me and sneered. I thought that was a little condescending

So then this guy with an ejaculation problem came from nowhere....
He said he was a magician. He walked down the street and turned into a grocery store
I saw this and went "Wow. That's clever word play..."
Some other random blind dyslexic old man who heard this commotion, asked me if I have heard about the mexican train killer.
I said I didn't. What was the issue?
And he said "I dunno.... He had loco motives"
Then the blind dyslexic old man walked into a bra to order binger gear.

I wanted to leave that place and saw a bike... It didn't want to stand on its own because it was two tired...
As I turned around I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.... Then it hit me

I woke up by a guy who told me "you're in trouble" I asked why and he said it was a bladder problem. "Urine trouble" he yelled again, then paused and realized he was yelling in the wrong ward and moonwalked away.
Getting fed up by spending another crazy time in the hospital I left and went to the park.
I got this plan you see.... I wrote a song about tortillas.
Its actually more like a wrap.

To get back to the midgets. Have you even noticed how little dwarves and midgets have in common?
And mentioning dwarves... when ever one approaches you and says "I am not happy", you should ask him which one he is then.

Sigh..... I should do stand up laying down.
It's when I think the most.

"Hello people... Can you see how excited I am to be here?" and then flop down on the park bench.
I believe I would be a terrible stand-up, lying down.

When I lay down I also think of the good things living in Switzerland.
I often ask myself "what are the good points about that country?"
I don't know... but the flag is a big plus.

So after visiting the park I went back to my job at the little psychic prison and found they had a funeral for the one who climbed the fence. He wanted back in but his body was cut in two when he fell. His whole left side was cut off, so he is all right now.
On his gravestone he always wanted it to say "We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse." I guess his life could have been a bit longer...
The guy giving the eulogy was just talking too much and then I realized there are two kinds of people who don’t say much: those who are quiet and those who talk a lot. I decided to leave that morbid place and just go somewhere else but how do I say that since at a funeral it is the only place where "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" does not mean the same thing...

I just left but my mind raced. If that little guy got burnt to death, would he have gotten a discount at the crematorium?

Walking back home I also thought about how much I have progressed with my own issues.
I never used to finish sentences, but now I

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Trust in me...

They often say that the grass is greener on the other side. Well... I think it is because it is fertilized with a lot of bullshit.

Often people can be like that Snake. He never let Mogli fall, but he just kept him long enough so that he can eat the little morsel. Thankfully for Mogli he had a good friend to keep him astray from getting hurt.

People just simply don't know the meaning of honor, trust or promises. While I do not expect people to be perfect and virtuous at all times, it would be nice if people try and adhere to their own words. That little thing someone says might have a huge impact on someone else's life, especially if you tell them you like them a lot and promise them fun times out and get their hopes up and telling them to relax, you won't go anywhere. Telling a friend that you promise that you will get them sorted, but then only by your own terms and selfish ideals. Those times where you really inspire someone and keeping them along just so that you yourself have a cushion to fall unto when ever you need to feel good.
Guess what.... that friend you are misusing won't be there long enough when you keep on shattering their trust life line.

Broken trust is like melted chocolate. No matter how you freeze it, you cannot return it to its original shape.

People need to show how serious they are when they bestow their actions of promises.

Here is what the dictionary says:
Promise: a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.

Herd you were talking shit...

 Apparently people just don't know the meaning of it, as simple as the explanation is above.
You don't even have to say the word for instance "well, dear, I promise I will rob that bank for you"
But the indication that you say you will do something for someone means you should do it.
Doesn't help saying something to make someone feel good just so that you feel good too.
WTF is that then!?
Confused: lacking order and so difficult to understand

Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. a feeling of trust.

For each person that inspires trust and hope to someone, just be very very careful. Each time trust and hope breaks in someone a little piece of them dies as well.
Try and be that good person to really give hope to someone without using words, but via actions.

That is what I try to live by and while I'm not perfect, I also make mistakes (and a strong guilty conscious doesn't help me either), I do not consciously use people for my own intentions, besides trying my best to live a happy life while they can be happy too.
My life involves the people around me, so hurting them would be hurting me.

Maybe I try too much in life or maybe I should just take a big step back... so far... that I might even go back in time... and just ignore the pains of people around me and focus selfishly on myself and become a Scrooge.
Though... I believe that to be improbable. It is not written in my core code, however, people and their issues have made me a bit more tougher (with shields), which is good for my perseverance, but is also bad that it lowers my trust in people. Changes comes with good and bad, but the point where the two meet never changes.
...The center point of two opposites where you really find yourself.

Somewhere, someone should try and be that kind person that tries... helps another up.

Monday 17 February 2014

My age old Friend.... Bread

Dear Bread

You've been in my life for as early as my memory recalls.

You fit in well with most of my other friends like Peanut Butter, Oxo, Nutella and Cheese... just to mention few.
               Never argue to yell "That's MY Jam!" instead, you've always kept it safe for me.

You fed my family and friends. You are always shared amongst people and can even create peace by breaking bread.

There has been times where you have upsetted me, but only when I've left you alone to grow old.

You've been on television many a times but never make a noise. So humble :)

Centuries old, but you can still be found to be fresh with the gang. You're cool out of the fridge, hot when toasted and even great when your mood is at room temperature.
 If people abuse you, you cling on them for more energy but you leave it up to them how they use your motivation...

Some people even try to avoid you saying how fattening you can be for them, but that is just another way of saying you are too good.

You can be in the shape of a star, or sometimes you're even a square, but you are always a delight.

You are very gracious in acceptance and you even receive the odd couples with no complaint and lovingly accept them. Remember when you took in the odd family of chips, cheese and peanut butter?

You can roll any cold meat with ease. And when you are flat, you just sit in your pre-heated sauna to rise up again to take on the world.

Sometimes you cause people to become a little constipated, but they always come back to you.

Every store accepts you, every home has you, even homeless people ask for you, or at least just a taste of you, yet you do not consume people's lives to their destruction.

You, my friend, are probably the most addictive thing since sliced bread and never have it been said to ban you or go to jail for knowing you. All countries in all the world, every story and even in some fictional ones, you are needed.

Thank you, Bread, our friend. We love you!

Bread says:
Thank you Ant!

You've been too modest, Bread.... :)

Thursday 6 February 2014


Nom nom nom

You think you win when you can munch that unhealthy looking monster dish by biting it to pieces?
What most probably haven't thought about actively is that they fight back.... viciously.

Food has a way of coming back, often not in their original form (but on a rare occasion they do) and certainly reveals itself as a lumpy piece of ....
It is there to mock you and spit its aroma in the air.

Last night I ate only a Huge piece of Polony for supper. I shouldn't have. I know it. It was like a giant meat apple! nom nom..... nom.....
Left me quite paralyzed in forming new vigor to fight off fatigue.
Today at work...? Rather not say how I feel.

Last week I had a bad run in with fruit as well. One would think it can only be healthy and detoxing, Oh my Gourd I was wrong.
My stomach went "Nah-uh! That's my JAAAAM!!" and decided to dance with fruit in my stomach.... for days...
Now I have resorted to drinking pills to create a beter stomach acid level. I yelled back at my stomach "Nah-uh! That's my PLAAAAN!!"

By the way, to all the fruitarians out there.... What is a fruit? Isn't it a plant embrio? Seriously, you're only eating plant babies! :(
What if someday the trees disagrees and unroot themselves to root out "evil" baby snatching humans?
It would be like the great Ent battle at Isengard... Complete with vegetable eating hobbits on their shoulders.
That lovely looking lemon tree in your garden is knocking on your window and then when you open the curtain you are pelted in the face right through the glass and then you have a fight with an lemon scENTed.
Imagine that...

Some people cry about eating certain food, whimpering as they put it firmly in their Parkinson-like moving teeth... some people don't want to eat food... then they die ;(
Some people doesn't care what they eat and eat a lot, still remain in good shape, bless your soul! (and what is your secret!??)

Eat a balanced meal and take less sugar. Just treat yourself by learning what food has in them and nurture your body with correct foods and DO NOT make half your diet of pills. We do not want to create that show called (P)ill Talk. The P in Pill Talk stands for Personally...

So as usual, my blogs normally seem so senseless, but just wanted to convey that when you take care of your food then they will take care of you. Like most things in life. :)

Eat well, share food, make friends, live happy.