Monday 1 July 2013


I'm only typing this now after my recovery from my past week at work...

Tiredness, the dreadful energy lack and "how you sadly perceive the world" phase one finds oneself in then everything looks so strange.

You find yourself seeing something then recalculating it to the most stupid thing you've seen.

That moment where you even look in the toilet and you see some poor excuse for a turd floating there and it says "yo, they call me a chimp's finger" and you just think, "what have science done!?" (*. *)

That moment where you want to wash your hands and you just stare into the mirror and you want to jump in a fright but are too tired to do so as you see the undead future self staring back at you with soulless eyes hungry for whatever soul you have left. Then you just leave, turn the light off walk two paces and forgot to washed your hands...

You go back and turn the light on, stand in front of the basin and you notice the undead staring again from the mirror... Then realizing the basin was already wet and your hands smell nice. "When did this happen??"

You know you're nucking fackered of work that you get dreams working there and you're enjoying it.
 (•͡_ •͡;

I demand double pay when that happens as I'm neither at work when I'm sleeping nor am I such a happy chappy working so hard my brain synapsis think they are doing the Spetsnaz 30 seconds of heaven.
 (•͡˘˛˘ •͡)

Going to work in a month-end phase, you really get quite the workout. Mental, viciously multitasking, literally running around and monkey-ing around on stock shelves, throwing boxes (sounds weird, but I did), picking up the phone receiver like a ninja with a spare arm still typing whichever email or document you were busy with.
What amazed me was that I could put the phone down with precision and under a half second.... "Without sound" @_@!

...and now the one-day-weekend consists of fixing my bicycle, polishing a guitar and I've already slept late!

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