Thursday 14 August 2014

Ears to the music

One thing a person can admire of music is the ability of the voice.
Kinda like martial arts where every style has some kind of useful fundamental.

Like learning the ultimate bitch-slap via sumo wrestling

Every kind of music genre has their own quirks and skills. Ever seen a random person rap on a whim?
It is extremely difficult!! I've tried to read Linkin' Park lyrics with a fast rap.... nah.
My tongue falls off the treadmill in my mouth very quickly. Then all you hear is a mumbling that is trying to sound lyrical until you hit the chorus like a BAWS!

Same goes for unearthly Too-heavy-to-carry-Metal-that's-way-I'm-actually-screaming-in-pain type of music. Sure, you sound like a monster who got a nail stuck in your junk, but besides the metal riffs and ear numbing screaming, it all sounds the same in the end really with no message behind it all.
Albeit! You do get those with a good message if you put some ears on your filters.... Or should that have been said the other way around? My mind is blown. -_-;

Kinda like singing lyrics backwards and wrong.

There is a band I really like and that's Linkin Park. Really great combo of rap, rock and alternative (where ever alternative belongs to).
I've tried that rapping part and I must say, hats off to one who keeps the rhythm, makes the screaming sounds awfully easy to do... yeah right.
If you can scream and then sing gracefully right after you burst your lungs and diaphragm all over the place, then you know you have control over your vocals, well done Chester!
And I mean.... if someone can scream melodically then I'd be happy to have an argument with such a person. It would make having a tiff really fun!

Unless this happens:
Your Argument is invalid!

For me, decent rap music are the ultimate wordsmiths who actually makes music with their words and not "add lyrics to song". I have a deep respect for clean rap (not referring to CRap) who can intellectually convey a message that's deep and poetic.
And not unlike blow-way-brains rap music singing like:
Money money Sex, money money Boobs
Money money Flex, money money Shoes

They call me Lil' Left Pocket!
And just like that I could rap some too.

Its Ridiculous!!! (Just like that Harry Potter spell)

Friday 8 August 2014

Pity da foo!

Yow Yow Yow

Get a shovel, can ya dig it?
What up my homeskillets!?
Just poppin' in to make a blog post, gnomesayin'?

Gonna to keep this fresh and blog about sometin... just layin it all out whatevers on mah mind.
Now I hope da hood don't get to read dis coz I'm probablay gonna get shot in mah face so I'm gonna keep it real, nah mean?

I've been trippin' ova mah toughts lately and again its about playa's and foo's again.

Those muddafuggas does get in mah grill and I be like thinkin "Fsheeezy, what you doin' foo!?".
Nah... these playas just think they are good when they say they are good. Y'all gotta dooo some good before ya claim dat good vibe, nah meen? Keep it real, homeslice, and Put a quarter in yo ass coz you played yourself!
Nobody don't gonna believe you're good when you juss say dat shizz.
To back dat up I'm just gonna get a safe umbrella... fo drizzle.

                            *just taking a break eating a moist burnt croissant. Thanks Fruit & Veg*

Okay... maybe it wasn't THAT burnt.

Aight! Here we go again.

I've been tryin to justify my toughts on what n how n who's say they be dem friends of lates. So in a sense I myself haven't been easing up to society either, gnomesayin?
Tha noggin keeps on knockin when I sits alone, but dats the time a homeslice needs to feel what be right rather than thinkin what be right, nah mean?
Particularly "this" particular homeslice, sittin 'n typin' now, don't just doesn't stand up fo himself at the precise moment some fay-hole decides to drop a bomb to inflate they ego. But they don't expect a quiet homeslice to stand up one day and list in paining rememberance all that was said that isn't even nice to tell a stranger when yo brizzling angry.

Most people are for themselves and only themselves mostly in selfish ways to make themselves feel better.
Lately I've been keeping to myself lately. Keep away from people rather than letting off mah steam on them, except when it goes too far, nah mean? I work through my doubts and even hesitant to share things with mah bestie, and why?
Coz I don't feel like climbing outta mah shell. I've learned to engulf n consume dat but it projects outwards to a more quiet persona who when it speaks it speaks of "other" things rather than facing what is bothering it.

Mah question is that why do people become fsheeezy a-holes because they are doubting themselves and pick on people with what they've done in life and how they are better or saying things harshly and directly and then saying "but I'm trying to help you". I mean, if it is so obvious why point it out and make a homeskillet feel crap, ya know? Speak gently, be a friend and not what you think you did was right, coz its not. My advice is that you think before you speak, obviously by thinking how y'all would have felt when something harsh was said to y'all, makes sense?

Friendships shows when it lasts, kindness applies always... but there is a difference in being honest and kind and been honest and rude coz ya don't know how else to say it.
Some people get ahead of themselves with their inflated bruised ego, but are they really loved or just tolerated by other bruised egos for the same reason?

                                I do pity da foo,
             < ---- to coin a popular phrase... those whose ego is somewhat inflated. It's sadness disguised in being happily extroverted, if you really know what I mean?

Now to all the good homeskillets out there:
When you're feeling down or lonely, nice peeps (I'm talkin to you's), y'all won't be sad in life later!
True people will love you for who you are and even though y'all might not say it or even say y'all did nothing special besides guide people, "they did all the good themselves" y'all say, but y'all better know that those homefries that got ahead or even just "got by" was becoz of you. What good is ego or money when yah don't have any real friends or love to go back home to?
Every kid should grow up wanting to be "Happy" as a profession. Grown-ups and friends should help them to pursue their dream.

                    The nice people who really tried to help and love helping. Love to love and be loved.

Much love. Peace!

Thursday 7 August 2014


Laundry day.... don't fret as much unless you are helping a comrade with almost a month's laundry.. no, that is not the problem at all.
No... not my comrade's fault either, clothes was just in a used start and not dirty per se, but it is the fact that there were demons hiding under it all... poignant spawns created by one called Loki*.

Upon lifting the pieces of attire you are greeted by multiple uppercuts from multiple levels and angles. A thick yellow mist expelled from the mess that only your nose can see and your eyes would cry with it for emotional support.
Loki, why?

Grabbing our priest collars and a very special book to cover our noses, we venture forth into this pit of despair and not so cunningly try and dodge the dangerous uppercuts thrown from beneath the sheets of clothing.

"Loki, why!?" we thought again rummaging and sorting out clothes with our noses clenched tightly almost breaking it off. If cats pee'd sulfur with a hint of week old fish this would be it. How did he get in there so deeply to mask this early Christmas surprise? Omergawd.

We cleaned the place like fully fledged laundry inquisitors. We tried talking to Loki but let's face it, you can't Torquemada ANYTHING!
Since we were in a purging mode we emptied the litter as well and emptied the toilet bin too. It was all chucked into one bag and what an apocalyptic bomb it was...

That bag... That bag could not have been created in any place better than Lucifer's armpit. Smell of stewed cat whizz, poop and lord knows what else was starting to make more of its kind in the bag. We created something awful in the purging process.... Lord forgive us.

I dropped my collar, my book and my robes for haste was a necessity. I rushed to the corner table to grab an essence bottle from the air purifier (which was not helping at the time) and sprinkled it carefully as holy water upon the contained:
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus"
"Et ejecistis de hoc plane, dæmonium habentem."
"Exi spiritus malus!"

And as soon as the nice smelling fluids was dispensed on the bag it was sealed (2 x double strength trash bags).
Look! Haunted trash bag!

It was expelled from the apartment and literally lay waste outside... The house was clear.
A powerful gloom was lifted and everyone felt they could breath once more.

* For clarity... Loki is a cat