Wednesday 27 September 2017

Love those kind, like you would love an asshole

 Kind people are treated the worst, often neglected because, hey, they have a level head, clear mind, always does the right thing and can help others.
It doesn't mean that they don't have trouble themselves!

Just because a person is patient, it doesn't mean that because of patience they can always fade back in the queue; being thought not second of, not even third, but always last because they are "kind and patient".

Kind people tend to help those they like, those they love and cherish, those they see potential in to grow. They see the potential in others, even in darkness. ALWAYS compromising for those people because he/she cares and even put themselves behind in order to lend a helping hand.

When will a kind person be treated the same like an asshole?
In the way where they are also thought of first for a change. Helped when they fall down.
To be seen as a person who cares and not a person who is a charity case for the needy, whether it be time, emotion, investment and just a simple compromise.

Kind people don't always last in another person's life when they are taken granted for and always neglected because "ah, it's okay. They are a kind person. They'll understand".
They DO understand when they are being placed last, neglected, misused.

When the time comes that they speak their mind only then they are being seen as a "closet nice person" or not nice after all, or then being discarded because we are of no use because we stood up for ourselves... But assholes always return hoping you'll be there once more.

Kind people are inclined to help. They hurt too. They get angry as well... Mostly at themselves and I hate the fact that one day when they speak about what's been wrong, even though they uphold another person in high regards, they are being frowned upon saying, they were not nice all along if this is their true colour...
It frustrates me because I'm also in that boat.

Something that always gets to me is that the more kind you are, or more patient you are, people see that as a reason that you can be taken for granted or placed second.

I hope that one day I'll be treated like an "asshole" too by someone who is kind. That in being their first choice and may I treat them like an asshole as well.

There is a Japanese art/belief, Kintsugi, that emphasizes that nothing broken should be left damned to be broken. The cracks and hurt gets filled with gold. It emphasis the brokenness... yet through that is beauty in itself.
See Kintsugi, with a beautiful message:

The kindest people who went through the most, and NOT dwindle to become an asshole should be radiant in itself. It's something I believe in, yet I'm not perfect. Just line my cracks with silver and I'll be happy ;)

We're all just human after all... we all make mistakes. You can believe in whatever you like, so long as you don't hurt someone and be an asshole. For crying out loud... a little consideration goes a long way.