Friday 22 July 2016

My first trip experience

The journey was awesome!

Saw a new side of the north of South Africa, ate like a boss and met some cool people, both new and old.

So many people back home asked me for photos and I did in fact take them. It is as if they are on vacation through me. :P

I can put some surety to that each photo was a lot better in person.

My first flight!

So, with this vacation study I have flown for the first time in my life. And no... before anyone joke, I did not fly on Virgin Air.

Not to try and get myself into thinking “what if I get scared because of the height?” I just saw it as a bus ride with a view. 
Kind of like on a TV screen :P
Self inflicted BS skills tested and succeeded! :)

My first thought, sitting next to a jet engine, I was kind of hoping for a little jet flame to produce from it.
Apparently if that really happened it would be a bad thing… not a rad thing. 
Being oblivious to the fact that I shouldn’t see a flame, if I did, I wouldn’t have notified any of the flight attendant anyway as I would have thought it was cool...

Seeing table mountain from afar in a totally different perspective I couldn’t have imagined and it made me realize that I am actually leaving my home town... 
The reality set in and soon… table mountain was no where to be seen. Just farm lands, which looks like amazing giant trays where good stuff grows!

Soon the sun was gone as well but one could still see little illuminated clouds we were passing over.

Getting closer to the JHB/PTA cities (with still no sign of a little flame, or even light, on the jet engine) I started seeing awesome glowing computer circuitry.
It was just the cities down below… a really amazing site. Pity I could not capture the vivid experience on photo as one could with the eyes.

Just riding on the bus flying in the airplane, was an amazing experience in itself.
There is just that little pressure change where usually one swallow to open the ears help, but try that 19 times in a row (I kept count coming back in from JHB)… 

When I arrived at Wonderboom Airport I was greeted by Uncle Fanie. An awesome guy with a great sense of humour. He is the husband of the guesthouse owner and a genius with electrical and hands-on work. He told me many things and especially one very lighthearted thing I'll take back home is a game he plays whilst driving. You know those little news headlines you see on the street poles?
He reads it out loud and then someone adds an intro to the headline, and then the next person adds a piece and in the end you get this made up mixed story which might make something as horrible as a Tokoloshi stealing groceries into a fun cartoon character.

First but not the last supper!
When we got to the guesthouse the 3 day long buffet began. It would be impossible to showcase every photo of what I ate on here, but let me give a schedule of how it worked:
Sunday 8 pm - BIG plate of food and dessert. 
(See picture left)

*cries a little while eating*
Monday morning - fruit salad, yogurt and then an unexpected plate of bacon, toast, grilled tomato and cheese, sausages and two eggs plus coffee and juice.
Still monday, I get to the training centre only to be greeted with coffee and biscuits. Then at tea mini muffins and more coffee. Lunch time some lasagna. After the course and 6pm sharp more food arrived and damn.... holy fitshizzles on a shiskebab! Going all pirate on that plate I put on my jacktars and dug into it ferociously! Two deboned rib portions, large chips and the BEST onion rings I've ever had!!!! Seriously, those fried onions were mucking afazing, I couldn't even contain my language. And then it was followed by a side salad that could even make a giant cry. 

Look at that tiny sausage!
Tuesday: more of that two piece special breakfast but I asked for less the previous day not for them to waste food and it was still more enough even then! 
I enjoyed it so much I forgot to take a picture before I dug in... sorry :P

It was another fruit salad with yogurt, juice, bacon, tiny boerewors (aren't they cute) a chicken schnitzel with fluffy grated cheese.
And guess what? More coffee and finger sandwiches at the course and chicken and rice (with salads) for lunch.
That evening I also went out with two friends and had a super awesome chat, caught up and had a really awesome meal at a place that has a beverage for a name, but sell friggin' awesome steaks accompanied with even more creative and delicious sauces (and by that I mean sauces that even has bacon in it!)

Wednesday morning I'm not fitting in my slim fits anymore and I actually broke a button on my pants. True story, whether it is instant weight gain or me just being reckless with a button, I'll leave you to decide what is the truth...
Another hearty breakfast consisting of the fruit salad I love so much (I really do though), yogurt and more Bay-CON! (and sausages, grilled tomato, cheese.... pop!)
More scones at the course, and I couldn't eat lunch... I was going to die as I've got too much goodness in my blood system. But I had thick chocolate cake for lunch instead... Boof!
PS: I've gained 2 kgs in just those days.. :'/

The courses itself was very informative and entertaining. Had a great lecturer and I'll be sure to remember him for years (well... I'll be seeing the place again later the year for more studies :)

The other people attending were also amazing in their own ways and met a couple of Cape Townians as well with an awesome sense of humour. Some team work was also forthcoming and I sat with two ladies from Durban and a guy from P.E. The stories shared was great and we also shared a few laughs. Even when we spoke about the different weather the places experience.

All in all, I really enjoyed the vacation training trip the company I work for has provided. The burst of energy coming from this adventure was amazing and as I landed in Cape Town I was not even cold, albeit it was raining. Guess the excitement coming home and having now carried the experience of traveling for the first time (and alone I might add) defeated the biting cold winter Cape Town rains bring.

I wanted to take a few souvenirs, so I took the magazines and barf bags that was on the airplanes and some sweets and coffees...
What can I say... I was wearing my Bad Boy racer jacket during the trip...

Sunday 3 January 2016

Who believes in old school relationships?

A friend shared this post and a simple nod and like is not enough.

I know a lot of people in today's hectic and fast life would not share the same values as I would share on this post, but I want to share anyway.

I don't know why people would not love this idea of being in a relationship.
To ultimately relax your thoughts and emotions to know that someone will be there for you.
To me that shows love and affection in many more ways.

So the below post follows a strong opinion and ever a fear of mine as well:

Today you see so many people going in and out of relationships as quickly as swiping on a Tinder search.

The world is going way too fast and people don't stop to really admire someone for what happiness a true investment between two people can offer.
Two people who are so connected through thick and thin and still hold hands when they are old. A long solid history can only be built once through determination and true love.
How rare and amazing is it to actually tell a story of how you two have grown old together and experienced the world at one another's side?

No one is perfect and people do have different opinions.
Even if you argue and fight, it is how much you love someone that makes you both stay.

To me that shows a better and stronger sense of love and character, rather than running to new "options".

It seems that a lot of kids (because let's face it... not a lot of people seem to mature these days in terms of friendship, love and commitment) grow up to want to make people like them.
I would also like everyone to like me... but it isn't possible with everyone.
You could always improve the friendships you already have instead of thinning yourself out to those who don't appreciate the real you.
This causes a lot of people to run around and look for new friends and appreciation, often feeling empty and feeling the need to meet as many people as possible or jumping in and out of relationships.
Often how you manage yourself in terms of self-respect is how you would show love to your loved ones.

Letting go of stress and anxiety of making people like you can make a lot of room to accept love into your life. This goes as broad as loving family and friends more as well.

Spending too much energy and gifts on people who don't really want you in their life isn't worth it. You will find happiness giving your energy and time to those who appreciates you, and you will receive the same back.

Letting some people go doesn't always make you a stronger person, sometimes arseholes can let people go just as easy. Those arseholes are the ones that used people for the time being for their values and willingness for other to simply like them back.
Even if you look at social media, how many people are chasing after the fact to simply be liked by many. It is all very impersonal really...

For the many people out there struggling to let people go, even if you are aware of the stress and anxiety some people cause, don't be afraid to let go of them.
It takes humility to recognize the differences. Being aware you are stressed is already one step in the right direction. To ultimately let go of a person takes a lot of self-respect as you are not doing it for yourself only, but for both parties.

It is like a muscle that needs to be trained. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. It will be difficult at first, but it will only become easier. Just like the first time saying no to something. ;)

So climb aboard the gain train!

Exercise your self-worth and respect muscle a little more.

Everything starts small with baby steps, but soon you will find yourself where you always wanted to be in life ;)

I also think the reason people want to feel loved is simply because of that statement...
They need to change it and want to *be* loved instead.

It happens a lot where somebody is in a relationship. Meet someone else and then they only tell the person they are with once their secondary relationship is ready to become their primary.
You don't always have to sleep with someone to commit adultery.
Being on an mental and emotional flutter between people is also considered cheating if you are not loyal and honest to the one you're with.

 For the person left behind they will always have the question "why him/her and not me?"

When an emotional and mental tie breaks within you then you should be the better person and admit it. But people do stupid things because they are scared of being alone (or the lack of dopamine they would experience because of it)

So what if they tell the current person they don't want to continue to be in a relationship and then it does not work out with their new choice they had in mind? You can't go back again because even then in your mind you know you'll always be on the look out for someone else if you're willing to have let them go in the first place?
So people stick by and don't tell the other person. When that happens, you should already know you've created a Plan B person.
That's just awful but nobody (of the dishonest) wants to admit it.
I say "dishonest" because if you're inclined or thinking of wanting to date someone else while being in a relationship, it makes you a cheater. Doesn't matter what level of cheater you are.
If you aren't happy you should voice it.

The worst part is the faithful honest person will never expect it and feel powerless.

This is one of my fears. Meeting these fast-paced people of today who wants to "feel" loved by many... if you now understand my meaning by that.

Meeting someone with solid values and morals to love (even etiquette) is of more valuable to me than her weight in platinum would EVER be!
I'd rather go on adventures and do 40 things with 1 person than do a lot of different things with 40 different people.

The safety to know that that special person you love so much would always support you even pointing out your faults and helping you to better yourself.
The perfect superhero duo,
                 two people fighting for the same,
                                  two people not giving up,
                                                   two people tackling the world,
                                                                    two people growing old together,
                                                                                     two people creating a story...
                                                                      Two people in love.

And that is how it should be...