Tuesday 31 December 2013

The story of Vine

Vine was a fine young lab with flad.
Everywhere he went he let out fig barts and people yelled "that stucking finks! Stop letting off fig barts you futnuck!"

He apologizes and sells them lots of torries. As he turned around he fooms a loud bart.
"Vine, you're a swine!" the yolks felled.

Vine ran into the toods with wears and bid in a hush.
After biding in the hush for hours, Vine realized he may boudly loom out fig barts as much as he wants.

Some bandits tell out the free and dustered out misheartened words, "Vine, you're a swine..." and keeled over.

With fig barts he quickly wook off further in the toods. Vine, feeling disgusted kept in his fig barts for as much as he could until air cubbles boarsed in his veins.
The boarsing cubbles got into his houl feart and Vine got a hucking feart attack.
Lights went out in a gark breen fashion for Vine...

This story does not end as quickly as the wadass bitch of the south saved him from fart hailure.

She sat him upright and not to her surprise Vine foudly larted once more. She knew his swisted tickness and what cure she should give him.
Off the shelf she took mix sonth old opened eggs, sulphur found in the beaty swollocks of a dave cemon, wasabe she got from her scrary toss-eyed friend and a mick soustache from a fugly mat fajor. She concocted the most vile potion in existance. One that flips your insides outside in.

Vine's chocolate starfish puckered up with a fusty rart and she poured the witches-made batch down his thrammy croat
It surnt his inbides and ironed out any rough surfaces within Vine's body. When he wharted he fistled and it didn't fell smoul.
She gave him a sag of beeds from which he can grow scented pasty taters, which should be his new diet.
Vine made it into a fine mash. Damn that tash looks masty!

A year later you can find Vine vonored in his hillage for maying plusic and frooping paganted balm from one instrument...

...crawled out of a gigantic hole of crap! By the way... Happy new year!

Last day of the year and why have I been so quiet for a few months?

It is said "if you do not have anything nice to say, then do not say anything at all".
So was this my case? It is a little half-'n-half.....
the Yin and Yang of them all. Most of my blog tries to inspire people via an odd sense of humor and to maybe broaden their minds a little...
...so why have I stopped doing that on the blog? I slipped and fell into a gigantic hole of disappointing crap!
Covered in it! At least I managed to held my head and breather above it all, but it didn't smell nice. :P

Too bad I didn't have another ones blog to read to make me laugh, so I read my own and I do laugh at it. Does that seem funny?

So what was this gigantic crappy hole about you might think...
Some would speculate drink/drugs etc, etc... no effin way! :D
I'm as clean as a whistle, always have. ;)
My weakness is people, apparently... Such a toxin that is sharper than the wittiest fart, it goes right through your shield of general conscious, seeps deep under your skin and there it festers and moves into your heart.
Now why does that sound so disgusting all of a sudden... didn't mean to. :P

People have their own agendas and would often use someone as a pawn to better their life. These kind of people who knows what they are doing should be shot, carved into little pieces, burnt and then be recycled into firelighters. The (un)kind of people who explicitly acts friendly to numerous people, promises them things that they know makes them happy and then they stab people in the back. I've witnessed these events occur to friends and family too much and it is not like there is a law against this. People just take advantage of another ones good nature.
Earlier in the year (2013) it happened to me, could happen to you, "juss sayin'."
Where oh where is Karma? Oh where oh where can she be?

So to all those hucking forrid nuckfuts out there: Try trying to help someone who needs it, maybe they could return kindness in another way they deem fit. I call that making honest friends. In the end, no one gets hurts and someone gets helped.
Maybe there is even the elated feeling and ego boost. :)
But don't you dare use someone who barely has anything and did more than they could afford. Karma, please bite them in the arse!

2013 was a really really awfully shitty year for me. Hurt bad in the wallet, heart and mind, throughout this past year. What happened in 2013 does not stay in 2013... I feel it changed me somewhat into something I'm not particularly proud of. I don't have that much patience I used to have with people. I'm not as open as I usually were to people. My walls are higher and my portcullis lancers are sharper, but there is enough space for a bunny to hop through still... A particular bunny....
Hope 2014 will be great for you.

But not all is bad, I've learned in this year as well, and one also learn that the older you get, the tougher it is to properly put trust in others, as 2013 suggests.
Maybe some people know why, maybe some are just to dense to see past themselves and not realize they have done others bad. Well... I hope the new year blesses you with compassion and some common intelligence to think past your nose.

There are many other people that had a crap time during 2013 as well. Their life came with their own bumps and cannon blasts.
People who shares the same view on the "dump-year" and sniffed that stifle air, even happy people are happier that 2013 is over!
That goes for all the people I know who I have "interviewed" about their thought on 2013...

I've gotten to know some peeps were the coolest and happy (and party) people I've become to know (O.G's team. You guys rock.)
At least 2014 looks better for all of us.

Don't remember if I mentioned but I have a fantasy story book I'd like to write one day. Procrastination is that horrible aunt that keeps on visiting and wants things, but you don't feel so keen on giving her things. So I guess I'll write the best I can of my life instead... for 2014.
I'd urge all the good people out there to do the same.

2014 will be the year where breaks are given to those who yearns for it and needs it. So make the best of it! Take on opportunities! What's the worst that could happen, hey? Not getting the thing you wanted that you wouldn't have been able to get if you didn't try? :P
Say YES to the things you think about that would be good and your life might change ;)
(Sound like a friggin' Yes-man right there... @_@)

To everyone who deserves the best, the best will come to you in 2014!!!
Much love and respect,

*Special warm wishes and the utmost best of luck to a little bunny I know who thinks bunny is alone on an island, but there is a guardian bear near you ;)
(not referring to the furniture shop)